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Flexjet Challenger 300 - Great Aircraft!

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Heavy Set

Well-known member
Nov 28, 2002
I had the opportunity to sit in a Flexjet Challenger 300 last week when I was visiting Teterboro. Wow! That is a nice aircraft - the cockpit was roomy and completely digitalized... The seats in the back were comfortable and the "cherry wood" galley was nice as always. The pilots were very friendly and justifiably proud of their bird. One interesting thing - the side windows on the cockpit are a lot smaller than I thought they would be but the visibility was still very good from the inside. I was impressed with the look of the Challenger 300 on the ramp - very sleek and sexy.

The Flexjet guys informed me that they will have 12 on the line by the end of the year and that the owners are extremely happy with the airplane - I guess the shares are selling like hotcakes...

Any Flexjet guys out there flying this bird too - what do you think of it? I hope it (and the new Lear 40) will PROVIDE SOME MOVEMENT for pilots within Flexjet - I know one guy who has been a Lear 60 FO for 4 years...
What is the likelihood that Flexjet would hire FOs directly into the Challenger 300? Is that possible or is it more likely that internal FOs would bid up to the Challenger 300 from the Lear 31, 45 and 60? Will Flexjet hire into the 300? Will Flexjet be hiring any time soon?

I agree, it is a great looking airplane, but one thing bothers me. What is the deal with those HUGE flap farings under the wings. Good grief! When the flaps are down it looks like a float-plane. The farings on the Global aren't even that big.
Yeah, I saw one at Teterhole a couple weeks ago and it was pretty cool looking. What's up with the cockpit windows? It looks like a "roadster" type of car. I definitely did a double-take when I saw it.

Anyone know if they will put newhires into the Challenger 300 or if they will source the FOs internally?
Roadster? What do you mean, like a chopped-roof hot rod type thing?
Hey 357

Youre in Kabul? Were gonna be neighbors. I'm headed for the east myself.
I'll be looking for that beer you promised me.
We can fight about Flexjet and Netjets and cry about the Military Reserves.

Semore Butts, Draftee!!!!!!!!!!!

All petty and silly squabbling aside, if you're going back overseas, best of luck, keep your head down, and thanks.

Keep your head down ya little jackass! ;) I owe you a helluva lot more than a beer.

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