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Crashcave Lounger
Mar 28, 2003
Awright, here's some fun....

AWAC contract, WTF.... Over! You guys were gonna show the world.... Mark my words: All regional's pilot groups will fold thanks to the economic pressure the industry is under.

No major's pilot group will take concessions without the regionals suffering too. Comair will not be untouched if Delta boys take a hit. Kinda like the 7yr Eagle Captain who was looking to take a downgrade because of AA's woes (and I don't mean Alcoholic's Annonymous).

Mesa was first, because we were first in line, not because we didn't want a better deal.

What a laugh I'm having; no matter what you guys say no matter what you voted personally, it doesn't matter; enough of your fellow aviators caved and now there's two airlines who signed to save their jobs.

Well, lets hope you keep your UAL flying so you can whine about your crappy deal that lasts 2 and half years longer than my crappy deal.

I think the real pisser of the situation is this, no matter how many contracts get signed, no matter how many roadshows we attend, no matter what any of us do, PHL will still be the worst friggin' base in the USAir system.

I'll bite what the he.ll =)

I'll be the first to admit that while you guys set the standard for sh.itty contracts, we set the standard for concessions at the regional level (to clean up United's f.uckin mess of an airline). It's so funny to see all the Mesa guys smiling about how this whole fricken gig is falling apart for all of us at the regional level. Seriously, I guess misery loves company, huh? You guys are really sick. I love the "I guess you guys forgot to shut the company down" comments as well. Guess what.....when everyone was saying they would shut the f.ucker down they were talking about the fact that if they were faced with the crap that you signed....not what we signed. Your contract is shi.t, ours just got worse, but it's nothing like yours. The fact that you have the contract that you have now proves that you would have piss.ed your pants to have what you are making fun of us for signing. By the way the comments about how you will be working under your next contract by the time we ever see our next one is good becuase our pay depends on it. The pay protection part of the contract depends on taking averages of all regionals salaries and ensuring that we make at least 2% more, then 3% more, and finally 4% more of that average if it is more than the book rates. Thank god you didn't sign an 8 year deal because guess who's salary is keeping that average down?????? The sooner you sign a new contract the sooner we get a raise. Yes you were first in line....that's how you put it, but instead of standing in the line that every other reginal helped to create, you hijacked it and decided to get in the welfare line......guess what, we're all right behind you now. I understand why Mesa pilots were scared. You guys had to sign because of bulls.hit going on inside your own company, now it's spreading because it wasn't contained...............the guys that signed here did so because of outside influences.....United not knowing how to run a company and then taking advantage of it, the uncertainy of having any business at all because of low standard regionals, yada, yada....let them tell you why.......because I luckily didn't have to roll the dice with being on probation and all. Any way......have fun discussing who suc.ks more......it's getting old. It seems like the DCI guys all hate each other, the United family is falling apart, UsAir WO's, Mesaba/Big Sky.......all this bullsh.it and at bullsh.it wages on top of that. Life sure does seem pretty peacefull once you get out of this cess pool of the regionals.....that is while your not trying to duck being furloughed........ok that's enough for now. Good luck to all in negotiations & facing concessions. AD
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aca still hasn't signed sh.t. our negotiating boys have left the table numerous times when the co. comes at us with stuff that is probably twice as nice as your p.o.s. but hey maybe you'll get the contract and then when united folds up you'll be F***'D.

oh wait, i forgot, you can have all those US air guys fly your precious rj's. but just until they get called back right?

(taking a break to laugh my ass off)

see ya

grog_sitting reserve,

Okay, I'll bite. What the heck...

Enjoying your 8 days off? How many ways have you discovered to cook Ramen noodles?

The bottom line is that because of that crap that you guys signed, all regional carriers are now feeling downward pressure in order to try to compete with your company. AWAC's concessionary contract is still light years ahead of that excrement that you call a collective bargaining agreement, and is still pretty much the leading contract in the regional industry. ACA is still negotiating, despite the fact that the deadline for the UAL flying has come and gone. It's called holding the line and having a backbone, something that 78% of your pilot group knows nothing about. I sympathize with the 22% of Mesa pilots that actually have a brain. I hope that you are able to move on to greener pastures and not be surrounded by such stupid people.

Have a great day!

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grog_sit_reserv said:
Awright, here's some fun....

AWAC contract, WTF.... Over! You guys were gonna show the world.... Mark my words: All regional's pilot groups will fold thanks to the economic pressure the industry is under.


grog, we did show the world!! We showed the world in 2001 with our industry leading contract, we showed them so that YOU!! could do the same or better instead you set us ALL back 10+yrs and if you don't know or can't see that, you need not worry it will make itself more than clear seven to eight yrs from now and you're still as you put it "sittin reserve at mesa" settle in my man you are there for a long while, COUNT ON IT!!!!


Things are depressing out their folks, the fact is 23% of us Mesa pukes said NO! Please leave the Lumping of votes alone. I am working on getting some flight bag stickers that say 'Don't blame me, I vote no on the Mesa contract' . If it make ya'll feel better the company has smelled blood in the water after such a briilannt display of pilot unity. Example? All Junior assign/open time was 1.5 times OVER monthly min. The "new" interp is 1.5 FLIGHT hours added to the 28 day, 70 hr min. Why? The skeds are so bad, few people are actually RERACHING 70 hours flying time in a bid! The list grows, this should be a lesson to all, rolling over means more than just being on you belly...if ya know what I mean! The Yes voters are reaping what htey have sown. Heck, some even thought that accepting the TAA would increase the chances of USAirways coughing up more jets....ha ha! Poetic justice!!!! Fly safe.......and remember to look fo the sticker that says, I'M NO "HO!, I VOTED NO!

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