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First choice? regional

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Another thought on the reserve issue is that some companies have "hot reserve" or "hot standby", where you are required to be at the airport, in uniform and ready to launch almost immediately. Given that these reserve assignments can often start early and/or end late in the day, it can be very difficult to commute for them, requiring one to have a crash pad or pay for a hotel if you don't actually live at your domicile.
The chances of you getting based in MCO at Comair is just about 0%. That is a very senior base, even on the FO side. It is also a very small base with only 29 crews.

So if you think you will start out in MCO, I say think again.

Just the facts....
I would suggest going to work at a company that is close to where you live so you wouldn't have to commute. I jumped on the first carrier to hire me and commuted to work for the first 5 years, but now I work just an hour drive from my house and my quality of life has been so much better. I have more time to spend with family and friends, instead of stressing the commute and finding myself in an airport and sitting on a jumpseat on my day off. Both are good companies to work for, but if you are living in Florida, I would go to Chautauqua. Comair has a ton of people that live in Florida and commute to CVG. MCO at Comair is such a senior base, you can forget ever holding it. Chautauqua has more of a presence in Florida, since they took over most of the Comair ops in Orlando several years ago.
If youre wanting to fly out of MCO Mesa is putting about 30 RJ's there for Delta. Pay is not bad because there are 13 bid periods and not 12 like most carriers.....QOL sucks!!
Don't feel like starting a new thread so I'll put my question here:

If you're on reserve for more than a year, does your pay go up to 2nd year pay or does that not happen until you have been flying for a year?
anotherwannabe said:
Don't feel like starting a new thread so I'll put my question here:

If you're on reserve for more than a year, does your pay go up to 2nd year pay or does that not happen until you have been flying for a year?

Whether you are on reserve or holding a line does not matter. Pay increases are based on date of hire, so when the date comes around the next year you get second year pay. And what makes you think you won't be flying if you are on reserve!!!!
To Mookie

Mookie said:
10 years at PSA and I'd kill myself. I did almost two there, and was walking towards the ledge when I got parolled. I would have checked his mental records, or at the least the bs meter.

In the end, take what you can get initially...but ALWAYS try and improve your situation. For me, it was to eventually get to a company that was stable, bases on the west coast, and one that wasn't tied to certain other companies. but hey, that's just me.


"10 years at PSA and I'd kill myself. I did almost two there, and was walking towards the ledge when I got parolled."

Considering the avaition job where I came from, This place is a Holiday, Trust me, Sorry you didn't make it to the edge, Maybe if you looked over, You would have realized the grass is not always greener..... I hope you upgraded on the RJ over there, Yeah, you left the Do-328 to fly the Brasilia, We had those, NO THANKS. For where I lived, This was a good choice. I look like a Darn genius now (Remember, I do need my Mental records checked).

As far as my mental records, The director of Ground Training once called me a Crazy MF when I was a Line Pilot, And now that I'm in Management, I am probably certifiable. That's no BS on your "BS Meter". It's been an uphill battle trying to make changes but we have made progress, I remember the good old days, Before you were here, Trust me it was not that bad, then it went down hill, and now it's gotten better, In my opinion, because the management personel changes that have come and gone. You probably came and learned the "wind T" or was part of the Dir. of Training, was smarter than the Aircraft Manufacturer, They are both gone. Since you didn't have the Jetstream on your A/C list, I guess you missed the first Chief Pilot I worked for that would actually take the pilots side if he was right. Those days were gone by your arrival. We felt like the redheaded step child for the longest, Then we felt like the Golden Child (Nice Shiny Airplanes) now we are at least treated somewhat equal.

"For me, it was to eventually get to a company that was stable, bases on the west coast, and one that wasn't tied to certain other companies. but hey, that's just me."

AND YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT OPINIONS! I am glad you "Bettered" yourself and I am probably better off for it (you'd probably still be whining about your commute.) If I was based on the Left Coast, I would have gave my Left one to get back to the Right one. As far as Stability, As long as you are in this Industry their is no Stability, You keep telling yourself that you have job stability.

Check out another Post about "Hard Landings", Great Book, Maybe we could all learn something from it, As long as you work for "the Man", you are never going to have control of your destiny.

As far as "having ties to a certain other Company", Last I checked, Southwest has no commuters, so anyone else you could be flying for is in a close situation no matter which major you feed ( Fed Ex and UPS excluded), That's if you work for a commuter Airline. Corporate isn't any different...And Yes, I did that too. I loved flying Boxes the most, and would like to get back to that eventually. Just remember, You are either part of the solution, or part of the Problem. I now have the ability to fix the problems (or at least attempt to). And yourself...What have you done, after going where you did to leave PSA, to better yourself? I know plenty of other guys that did what you did, But then what???

You probably didn't expect a reply like this but your arguments, in my opinion, were like calling my wife a beeYAtch....Whether she is or she isn't, I would never let you get away with calling her that, Now me calling her that, That's a different story.

Buen Suerte (Good Luck),
Its hard to speculate if Airline "A" or "B" will be the right choice. After the honeymoon is over, 2-3 months, you will know if you made the right decision. But wherever you end up you will be flying with mostly good people and will have the opportuntiy to learn things you hadn't as a CFI.

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