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Female Pilot Interview Attire

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Well-known member
Jul 27, 2005
I'm throwing this out there for honest, helpful opinions:

A young woman is interviewing for a pilot position with a regional airline. The suit she has bought for the interview is very nice, black, and has the standard pieces (Blazer coat, matching pants and a conservative matching skirt).

The question is, in your opinion, would it be appropriate to wear the skirt to the interview or would you stick with the pants? Does it even matter?


As much as we love skirts....

Pant Suit: all business, no nonsense professional female

Skirt/Suit: Flight attendant-ish... office secretary, girlie girl.

now.... go get the job!! :) The pilots already at said airline are counting on you to get hired and do the junior flying!! ;)
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I've worn pants to three airline interviews and have been hired twice. The odd one out I flubbed on my own merits, nothing to do with skirts versus pants.

On one of the interviews another gal wore a skirt, and she too was hired.

Wear whatever formal attire makes you comfortable.
Wear nothing. As long as there are no other females in the room or HR isn't there you'll get the job for sure!

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