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FedEx SBI No More?

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71KILO said:
You are a moron. The SBI is stupid and proves nothing more than you are capable of making a decision even if it is a stupid decision. I know some pretty bad pilots that are capable of making a decision. Glad you liked the futile exercise.
Easy there killer........have you ever been a subject of an SBI? Did it not go so well? Sounds like you have some built up resentment. (Not meant to be antagonistic. Just curious)
Wow. That was mean. I are a moran!!

By the way 71KILO...How'd your interview at FedEx go?
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Quiet Flight said:
SBI = Situational Based Interview (FedEx)
LOI = Line Oriented Interview (SWA)

I thought this was a great interview tool. A shame if they actually got rid of it.

I agree with you QF. I think it should stay. It is a way for FedEx or SWA to watch an applicant make decisions. Actions speak louder than words.

71KILO said:
The SBI is stupid and proves nothing more than you are capable of making a decision even if it is a stupid decision. I know some pretty bad pilots that are capable of making a decision.

The SBI is not the only deciding factor in the interview process. It is one of many ways to analyze an applicant's skills to determine if they will fit in with the airline.
71KILO said:
You are a moron. The SBI is stupid and proves nothing more than you are capable of making a decision even if it is a stupid decision. I know some pretty bad pilots that are capable of making a decision. Glad you liked the futile exercise.

One man's opinion. I actually liked the SBI part of the interview. I guess a lot depends on how you do on it as to what you end up thinking of it. A little harsh calling someone a moron simply because his opinion doesn't agree with yours! Guess that's one of the reasons you are still a "freight dog wannabe" as stated in your profile!:smash:
The SBI is not just about decision making. It is to see how you work with others, as they put you on a 3 person crew.
Does anyone know with which interview dates the pool started. Might give some idea as to the size and where people sit.

Also, for what it's worth I think the SBI was fairly painless. The guy's giving it acted just like crew members and it felt pretty much like the real situations I've been in. However, I can see how it might be a problem for someone who doesn't understand CRM.

CRM is difficult to teach; it takes practice to do well and the only real way to practice is by solving difficult situations. This is really not dependent on hours but more on how many times have you had to get out of those problems.
I interviewed on 5/6 Jan. From what I've heard, the three of us who made it from my group were the first in. Low end hiring numbers I've heard were 30/month, high of 70/month. So there's at least 120, but the rumor of 200 or so sounds pretty reasonable.

The real question is what class sizes will they run (i.e. how fast they can drain the pool). Any guesses?

A friend of a friend did the M & G yesterday and the CP they met with said the following: " 70 newbies in trng in June, 60 in July and 30 a month thereafter." No indications on actual class size (35 & 35 etc??) or fleet.

I accept NO responsibility for the accuracy of these statments.
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Buddy of mine interviewed last week. KD said the SBI was off but could come back at any time. Interviewees may want to stay prepared for it, just my two cents.

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