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That's good. I want some guys junior to me to bid the mad dog so that I can have some seniority on the thing before I go over to it. I'm enjoying my quality of life in the back of the 10 although I do miss actually flying an airplane. I don't get to fly F-15's around like Albie does on his days off. :)

I've been hearing rumors during my hub turns of a possible new hire class starting in Dec. Class size between 24 and 36.

Also heard there was an age 63 rider thrown in under the homeland security bill, but haven't been able to confirm either rumor. Anybody have the inside to either rumor?
I heard the Dec. class rumor today as well from a friend of a friend in the training dept. What's stirring?
I haven't heard anything about the Dec class, but I CAN confirm that there is an age 63 rider thrown into the Homeland Security Bill. I probably shouldn't jump on my soapbox again like I did for Airline Dispute Resolution Act, but yeah, it's BS and has nothing to do with Homeland Security. Go to the ALPA website if you want details. Get this, I shotgunned out an e-mail to all my reps to let them know that not only did I disagree, but that I thought it trivialized the Homeland Security Bill when completely unrelated amendments like this try to get slid in under the guise of being important to the nation. Now my point, and you're not going to freakin' believe this, but one of my Senators wrote me back telling me how good this amendment was "BECAUSE IT WILL HELP ALLEVIATE THE CURRENT SHORTAGE OF EXPERIENCED PILOTS." No $hit, that's an exact quote from his letter. Either this guy is a not only a complete moron and clueless about the current state of the industry, but he has a staff of morons who won’t give their boss the straight scoop. Who is feeding him this BS? It boggles my mind that this kind of inaccurate information can get to the highest levels of our government, and actually be taken seriously. More likely, he probably knows the truth but has an agenda. Anyway, it makes you think, then it makes you scared. I had to write back to try to attempt to give his staff a more accurate picture, whether anyone actually listens will be surprising. Get out your pens Ladies and Gentlemen, or at least your e-mail client.
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Good post. I would also be interested to hear who the informed senator was that responded to you. I'm always amazed at some of the dumba$$es we have elected, or at least working for them.

I'm not looking forward to the "old guys" getting another 3 years to stand in my way either. However, and I'm sure I'm going to get both barrels in the face for this, but how are you going to feel when you're 59.5, feeling great and being forced to retire? I personally don't know and con't even imagine, but I can see the other side of the fence. I'm not down with all the ins and outs of this age 63 thing other than what it is on the surface, so maybe I'm missing the big picture. Like I said, I'm not for the new rule, it's just that I'm not ready to burn the barn in support of it yet. I know there are lots of other guys out there that feel the same way that I do, undecided. It's just that you don't hear from 90% of the people. I've still got 25 years to go, so I'm not trying to garner support for the thing.

OK, bring it on, I'm ready.
At age 59.5, all pilots should be subjected to an audit by an accountant. If their net worth is over, say, 2 million (including the value of their fixed pension), then age 60 should apply. If they're poor, broke, flying for some second or third tier carrier with no retirement, shopping around for a greeter job at Wal-mart, they ought to get a few more years.

My dad retired after thirty-one years at NWA. He makes more from his pension than an MD11 captain at my previous carrier.... He derived a monetary benefit from the age 60 rule for his whole career, and it is only fair that he stepped out of the way. But if he was flying 8's in Miami or somewhere, he definitely would need the money past age 60!
VaB wrote:

"but how are you going to feel when you're 59.5, feeling great and being forced to retire?"

I'm gonna feel relieved that I made it and don't have to work myself to the grave like the rest of the population. I'm gonna feel ready to give up hub turns and box lunches, dealing with bosses and the FAA, PT's, PC's, CMI, and Class 1's every 6 months. I'm gonna have the opportunity to actually spend some uninterrupted time with my wife (assuming she continues to tough this out) and family....for once. Selfish thoughts? Absolutely. But I don't play this game for fun...it's about money and security.

Increasing the retirement age will have a tremendous impact on everything from hiring to annual retirement contributions and not in a good way.

My only hope is that I'm able to liquidate in an 'up' market and can retire early.

There are lots of sides to this issue; this is mine and I doubt I'm the only one.
Senator John Warner of Virginia. He's been around forever, so honestly I can't imagine he doesn't know the real scoop, but not much seems to surprise me these days.

I can also see both sides of the story, but I happen to oppose it, call me selfish. What really pi$$ed me off though, and actually got me to send an e-mail in the first place was the fact that it was attached to the HSB. If it had anything remotely close to do with Homeland Security, ok, but please, I’m not Einstein but I’m not an idiot either. It was introduced by proponents hoping it would get in under the radar, and probably not get the attention or debate that it should. I’m not as upset about basic support for it as I am about 1) Those supporting it not having the balls to at least be honest and up-front about it, and 2) Insulting my intelligence by telling me we “need” it because we don’t have enough experienced pilots. Give me a break.
To all you young guys out there: Let me tell you how it feels to turn 60 and have them tell you that you are too old! I flew for a big outfit for 34 years after flying in the Navy for 5. My last flight was a non-stop to Auckland NZ with a full load. The next day, I was too old to fly the plane back to the US. Why? Because someone set an arbitrary age of 60 for me to retire. Still have a first class medical, can pass my check rides, in fact was an FAA examiner on the plane! I know you young fellows cannot understand why after flying for 39 years I would not want to retire. Thats the point. I want to retire when I want to, not when someone else says I have to. I can remember when I thought 60 was OLD. Well, now that I'm here, let me tell you that is isn't. I will be willing to bet you that when you reach age 60 you will feel the same way. I was so bored in retirement that I got a job with a frac, bid captain the 4th day there and have been flying with them for a year now. Great fun flying a little jet. Now about the rider to the Homeland Security Bill. I agree it is a back door way of getting this thru. I would prefer it to stand on its own merits. As for a shortage of pilots, give me a break. I know there are thousands of furloughed pilots out there. Hope all of you are recalled soon. While I would love to be back at the controls of the big jet, I don't think this is the right time or vechicle to raise the age to 63. And why 63 in the first place? I'll pass on returning and be happy flying my CE560XL for a couple of more years and retire when I want to.

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