No loud music, or anything loud for that matter at least 48 Hrs prior. I wasn't told this and was jamming out to Top Gun soundtrack on the way and did pretty poorly on the hearing test. I was approved however, so all is good. Good Luck!!!
Don't be like me. Relax so that your blood pressure isn't elevated. I have to do a 5-day blood pressure check in order to get my FC1 sent off, because I was nervous. My blood pressure was 150's / 80's on my FC1, and on the 5 day check my pressure has been 120 / 70's. High blood pressure is considered 140/90.
Most of the folks at the clinic were cool. Nobody is out to fail you, necessarily.
Oh yeah, stay hydrated, don't listen to loud music, etc....
MAKE SURE THEY GIVE YOU A PISS TEST. Someone apparently "Forgot" to give me MINE, and now I have to go back up to Grissom ARB tomorrow to take another.
hopefully someone's ass is being chewed out for this, because instead of the Feb. class, I now have to wait for april, another 6 weeks of NO INCOME.
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