Mr. Irrelevant said:Nice call Props. You beat me to it. I will saythat every DPE I've known will make the oral much more difficult if youdon't have a good score on the written, regardless of the sign-off. IfI was the DPE, I'd do the exact same thing.
Mr. I.
From the experiences I've had so far, it made no difference.
I got mid 80s on the PPL and IRA writtens and my private written wasabout a half hour long (which was with another person) and consisted offour questions: Where is Class D airspace on the map (where we were)?;Where can I find LAHSO information?; What is the average fuel burn forthe airplane we're flying today? That was it...
For the IRA, we didn't even go over the written, I had to do a flightplan in front of him and explain why I planned it how I did, etc.
However, I've been told already that my Commercial SE and CFI rides, they willgo over what I missed on the written. Lucky me, I got mid 90s soI only have a few questions to answer. But that's how thosespecific examiners run an oral. My CFI oral (I've already beentold) is going to be what I missed, an FOI question or two (since I gotthose all right), perhaps a reg question, and lets go fly...
But I really, honestly, unless you absolutely want a high score, wouldnot sweat a 71%. Just know your stuff before the ride (and youwill, or your CFi won't sign you off) and all is good...