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Failed Mesaba Interview

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Active member
Mar 20, 2005
While in recurrent training this week one of the instructors regaled this story.
Our instructor was in the break room last week when one of the interviewees, in his sartorial splendor, passed through the facility for a post-interview pick-me-up. Ever the gentleman, the instructor engaged the Mesaba wannabe in polite conversation; asking how he thought the interview went and whatnot. Through the course of conversation the instructor indicated that he was a (proud) member of the SAAB instructor cadre. As they exited the break room the instructor bid the candidate the best of luck and commented how he hoped to see him again soon. To which the applicant replied that he hoped to NOT see the instructor again because he was only interested in Mesaba if he got the new jet.
Needless to say the applicant had better hope he learns better interviewing skills and judgment when he interviews next: at Burger King.
Moral: The interview is not over until you are sipping that celebratory libation AFTER you are off probation.
He'll probably get better pay and benefits at Burger King.

.........and a more ethical managment team held in higher regard.

Losing a job at Mesaba cannot really be called a screw-up..................................getting a job there CAN.
Karma would be for this d0uche to get hired at Mesa and get stuck in the right seat of the Beech 1900 for the next 8 years.
That's great! when I was in ground school they had an interview going on and we were listening to all the interviewees in the lobby talking about who gets the Avro vs. the Saab. It was halarious! Then one of the ground instructors walked in pretending to be a interviewee wearing no tie and said, "oh man, I am supposed to be wearing a tie?"

Long story short he ended up sitting in with them on the Q and A portion of the interview and he raised his hand and said "Am I going to get the CRJ because I really just want to fly a jet!?"
Karma would be for this d0uche to get hired at Mesa and get stuck in the right seat of the Beech 1900 for the next 8 years.

Which is exactly what happened to a former co-worker of mine when I was flight instructing. I was working on paperwork in my cubicle, having just been hired to fly a 1900 at CommutAir a few days earlier.

I heard him telling his student about me, and saying to her, "but I don't consider flying a Beech 1900 to be a real airline job." Tool.

So where is he a year later? Flying for Mesa -- in a beat-to-hell Beech 1900. There is justice in this world! :laugh:

R.M., if you're reading this, you really should check the room before you open your trap and bash a fellow instructor!
Hey, the 1900 ain't so bad... it was a classic commmuter to fly before the advent of the puppy jet. Many a pilot grew a few....

After all, you liked it so much you made it your username! ;)
Doesn't suprise me. We had a guy in my interview class who argued current contract status with the interviewer.
I don't think he exists anymore.
When I was a new hire at XJ after they got done assigning the aircraft I was somewhat dissapointed to get the SAAB, however when they came back in the room after lunch and asked for someone to give up the AVRO for the SAAB the one person in the room with XJ experience (ramp) hand shot in the air it was at this point I knew the SAAB was okay. In the first year I made $2000 more on the SAAB and had a lot of fun (still am). It was only later that I discovered that the SAAB pilots where chosen because of their superior flying skills....(kidding, at least about the flying skill)

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