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FAA's position on powdercoating?

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2004
Does anybody know if the FAA has a position on what type of materials can be applied to certain parts? For instance baffling or non structural interior parts, gear legs etc. Would powdercoating be a acceptable means for this. I'm not really asking for personal opinions but rather the FAA's position on this.

The only opinion that counts is what is in the manufacturers service manual. The manufactuers opinion trumps the FAA on mechaical issues.

If the manufacter dosen't specify anything, then you go to AC 43.13, which you should be able to borrow from any A&P.

FYI, I have meet an builder of an experimental airplane who had his exaust sprayed with a ceramic coating that is useually used on automobile headers. He said it hasn't caused any problems and helped lower CHTs by 10-15 degrees. But, that is on a homebuilt.
Unfortunately the aircraft that I am refering to never had a maitenance manual written for it. (wierd I know) I have'nt seen anything in the AC's as far as acceptable methods of paint applications.
Unfortunately the aircraft that I am refering to never had a maitenance manual written for it. (wierd I know) I have'nt seen anything in the AC's as far as acceptable methods of paint applications.

Not unusual at all. Most singles out there manufactured under CAR 3 prior to the 1970's never had a maintenance manual written for the airframe. Many a day I've had the darn parts manual for a Piper Colt, Cub, Ercoupe, or an older Cherokee or 172 on my desk trying to figure out how the heck to put a job back together that someone else took apart. It's the only book available. Thankfully the engine manufacturers weren't allowed to slide like that.

Anyway, either give the manufacturer of the process you're wanting to use a call and see if they've covered the applicability question with the feds already for your airframe/part, or give the maintenance weenie at the FSDO a call.
Yes, the aircraft in question is a 1954 Cessna 170. The parts in questions are the gear legs. There is a little bit of rust on the leading edges of the gears from rocks etc. My mechanic is pretty ok with anything I do as long as its legal and makes since. What I was going to attempt to do is bead blast and have them professionally coated with powercoating. Heat I know is not a problem because during the process they were bead blasted, shot peened with 300 steel media (bottom side only) and then heat treated and the heat for power coating is'nt that much.

I wouldnt powder coat string steel. It flexes and will eventually crack the powder coating. The powder coating process aneals the metal. That does several things to steel, mainly softens it and secondly causes oxidation.

One proble with powder coating is that its brittle if there is corosion or pitting on it it is difficult to repair the finish. I would recomend powder coating small non-structial parts.

If you are doing the gear. I would bead blast clean with MEK, kolar prime, and paint desired color. If you are worried about damage from prop debris. I would put leading edge tape on it. It looks a giant roll of thick scotch tape.

Between AC-43.13 and the parts catalog you should be able to figure out how thing are supposed to go together.
I have never read all of the regulations about painting aircraft parts - but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express.

I do not believe that the FAA has a standing on that, but if you have a Component Maintenance Manual for your model aircraft part, it will give you the specific information on how to paint what parts etc. - to the inth detail.

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