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FAA Regulation question

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Despite some (or many) inaccuracies, overall it still served as a good guide - especially to those questions where he did quote official rulings.
mattpilot said:
Despite some (or many) inaccuracies, overall it still served as a good guide - especially to those questions where he did quote official rulings.

As I said, the answers which quotes actual official interpretations were useful. Beyond that, it was a disaster.

What possible benefit is there to something which *appears* to be official legal advice, but in reality is not? Particularly, when it conflicts with official policy?

Presumabley, the only reason for somthing of that nature (other than to provide grist for the internet discussion mill) is to provide guidelines on which persons could base thier actions. But, if the guidelines are neither official, nor correct what good are they?

To those who understand the "FAQ" have no official standing, ignore them, so they pointless and serve no purpose.

To those who do not understand they have no official status, the FAQ was only dangerous. Acting in accordance with legal advice which is unofficial and incorrect may result in a violation, and offers no protection.
mattpilot said:
Also, try downloading the Part61 or Part91 faq from faa.gov, authored by John Lynch <- he's the head guy in charge of writing the regs for part61 & 91 and his interpretations are as good as they get, since he actually wrote it, he knows the true intent of the regs.

WEll, actually, John Lynch had nothiong to do with Part 91, and his role in the rewrite of Part 61 has been greatly elevated to some mythical godlike status which in reality does not exist. Yes, he was involved in the re-write. No he is not the one who "wrote" it. To say that any one person is solely responsible for for writing an entire section of the regulations is unrealistic, at best.

His interpretations are *not* "as good as they get". Not even close As noted before (and noted in his FAQ when it was still published) they have no official standing. Official legal interpretations from FAA counsel *do* have official standing. A "faq" answer from John Lynch has a status far, far below a real official legal interpretation.

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