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FAA Hits Atlantic Southeast Airlines With $400,000 Safety Fine

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Happens alllllllllllllllllłłłłlLLłllllllłlllllłLLLLLLllllllllllllllllllłłłłłłłł the time, Bruh
Thanks for the laugh. The only person keeping you from bigger better things is yourself. The company did nothing wrong here, The MX/QC department failed to sign the paperwork correctly and all the pilots that flew the A/C failed to notice the missing signature. Happens ALLLL the time and that fine is not that bad.

That's the joke. Nice work.
Max, Im glad that was a joke, I was fairly certain it was.

ASA_Aviator, correct me if Im wrong but I believe the PIC is required to make sure the AR is signed and there are no open write ups on the MX log after the A/C leaves scheduled MX then every other PIC needs to make sure there are no open write ups before each flight.... so the pilots played a part in this too.
checking every last signature on all the logbook pages is a waste of time. What I look for are recurring issues that have been pencil whipped.

The management wants pilots to think they're responsible for everyone elses job at this place. Be that as it may, you'll never catch every last mistake. In the end, you'll still get blamed. Thankfully we have representation.
checking every last signature on all the logbook pages is a waste of time.

The management wants pilots to think they're responsible for everyone elses job at this place.

Really? they dont want you responsible for everyone else.... Its part of your job!!! Not to mention an FAR to not fly with an open write up. I wish I was so confident in representation that I could cut corners on the job. Good work ethic.
Surprising that every pilot that took that plane didn't check for an airworthiness signature. That is private pilot 101 stuff.
From what I understand it wasn't just a missing signature but maintenance they performed and never documented. It was never even put into the book. Not the pilots responsibility then. I believe they got caught because the book didn't match their computers when they got audited.
Do you know how many things are done to these airplanes that we never see in the can?

Way to many to count. They do all kinds of maintenance that is kept on the computer and in a log in maintenance.

Ever see an engine change or APU change in the can?
matter of fact I have, numerous times, and it's required

Actually it's not if its part of another procedure or inspection work card. Much of the detailed documentation is electronic. This leads to the problem of not believing mcc about the status of an airplane because they have given crews inaccurate info. Most planes I've gotten in cae that have had brake changes were not in the can.
Twice the job was not completed.

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