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Express Jet.....

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Oct 21, 2002
Does anyone know what Express Jet's payscale is? I did a seach and had no luck. Thanks for the help
Captains, Jet, 50-59 Seats

Year C '95 10/1/97 5/1/98 10/1/98 10/1/99 10/1/00 10/1/01
1 24.11 41.99 44.89 47.92 48.88 50.10 51.60
2 25.72 43.27 46.25 49.35 50.34 51.60 53.14
3 27.33 44.58 47.65 50.84 51.86 53.15 54.75
4 28.93 45.93 49.09 52.36 53.41 54.74 56.38
5 31.08 47.32 50.58 53.93 55.01 56.38 58.08
6 33.22 48.75 52.12 55.55 56.66 58.08 59.82
7 35.36 49.32 52.72 56.66 57.79 59.24 61.02
8 37.51 51.43 54.97 58.36 59.53 61.02 62.85
9 39.65 52.98 56.64 60.11 61.31 62.85 64.73
10 41.79 54.58 58.35 61.91 63.15 64.73 66.67
11 43.94 56.25 60.12 63.77 65.05 66.67 68.67
12 46.08 57.95 61.95 65.68 66.99 68.67 70.73
13 48.22 59.71 63.83 67.66 69.01 70.74 72.86
14 50.37 61.52 65.76 69.69 71.08 72.86 75.05
15 51.44 62.51 66.82 70.86 72.28 74.08 76.31
16 52.51 - - - 73.72 75.56 77.83
17 53.58 - - - - 76.70 79.00
18 54.65 - - - - - 80.19

First Officers, Jet, EMB145/135

Year C '95 10/1/97 5/1/98 10/1/98 10/1/99 10/1/00 10/1/01
1 13.93 14.89 15.92 18.16 18.52 18.99 19.56
2 16.07 21.79 23.30 25.76 26.28 26.93 27.74
3 17.15 23.60 25.23 27.96 28.52 29.23 30.11
4 18.22 24.73 26.43 29.35 29.94 30.69 31.61
5 19.29 25.47 27.23 30.10 30.70 31.47 32.41
6 20.36 25.89 27.68 30.60 31.21 31.99 32.95

We are now in contract negotiations. They have been going on since July 02. We hope to have a TA completed by the middle of next year. Negotiations are moving VERY rapidly and that is highly unusual. We hope to increase the rates and quality of life for our pilots SUBSTANTIALLY from the ones you see above.

To continue on about hiring because I assume that's why you are asking. We currently have 383 pilots on furlough. Recalls will probably begin in April or May and finish sometime in the Fall of 03. Hiring will most likely resume at the beginning of 2004. We are currently growing by leaps and bounds in terms of aircraft deliveries but we our block hours have decreased and the turboprops will all be gone on Dec 12. However, we are growing but at a slower pace in the short term.

I hope all of this helps and sorry if I rambled too much.
I'll reinerate what Capt Caucasian said. Negotiations are moving at a furiuos pace. They're moving so fast that OUR negotiators are having to slow down the company and make sure the language is absolutly correct. Bruce York, our ALPA appointed negotiator has said that in his 22 years of doing this job, that this pace is very unusual. Everyone has there expectations, but this group of pilots are very high. I think that manegmnent knows this, and are not wanting to lose any money on a very militant pilot group. I think the bar will be raised quite a bit.
captjim said:
I'll reinerate what Capt Caucasian said. Negotiations are moving at a furiuos pace. They're moving so fast that OUR negotiators are having to slow down the company and make sure the language is absolutly correct. Bruce York, our ALPA appointed negotiator has said that in his 22 years of doing this job, that this pace is very unusual. Everyone has there expectations, but this group of pilots are very high. I think that manegmnent knows this, and are not wanting to lose any money on a very militant pilot group. I think the bar will be raised quite a bit.
What do you mean by saying, "the bar will be raised quite a bit?" :confused:

Thanks, for the replys to the both of you. I should be ready for CoEx in early 04. I hear they will be a RJ only fleet soon! That gives me over a year to CFI. Again, thanks.

I hear they will be a RJ only fleet soon!

I just had this sent to me in blastmail from our union. As a furloughed CAL pilot, it doesn't give me "that warm, fuzzy feeling" if you know what I mean...I guess it was a fun job while it lasted. Thanks CALALPA

Monday, the CAL MEC approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) concerning turboprop flying by a “vendor carrier” in the Cleveland hub. Significant job and benefit enhancement opportunities were negotiated with CAL management for
currently furloughed CAL and CALEX pilots in return for approving this revenue enhancement for the company. For more information, contact your local Rep or the Furloughee/COLA Liaisons, who will have the information soon.
If you have that warm a fuzzy feeling now, wait until the MEC splits. If your scab friends get their wish, you can kiss your job good bye. Can you say whipsaw. Express growth will be uncontrollable by anyone.

I'm guessing you were a 2001 hire at CAL. If so are you planning on going to Express when you're recall number is reached? Hey I hear you about the RJ thing, but point the blame right at the CAL guys who signed on the dotted line back in '97. I sure as h*ll wouldn't of signed any contract with a scope clause that used the word 'unlimited.'

BTW: the turboprop thing is a scam and the union is kidding themselves if they expect management to actually force the 'vendor' to hire our furloughs w/ full recall rights
beside who in their right mind would go to gulfstream??? Thats a career risk. Maybe commutair, but there pay is still down there. Its flying I agree, but commuting on reserve for 16 bucks and hour. I think you could be home every night and make more. My bet 10 people or less will take it.
"My bet 10 people or less will take it."

I'll take that bet. How much? First, I seriously doubt if it will be Gulfstream. Secondly, your statements make me wonder if you actually know anyone on furlough from xjt. What kind of great jobs do you think the furloughed pilots are getting that $16/hour sounds so horrible? Keep in mind, if it were CommutAir, that $16 is only for the first 90 days. Then it goes to $18. This is with an 82 hour guarantee.
After 3 months, furloughed pilots would be making more at CommutAir just based on guarantee than they were as reserve RJ FOs just prior to the furlough.

1424.25 XJT guarantee in 9/01 (18.99 X 75)
1476.00 CommutAir guarantee after 90 days (18.00 X 82)

Company man,
guarantee at Xjet is 75 hours or 1467.00 with current pay rates (75 X 19.56) assuming no per diem. Per diem is around $1.40/hour.

p.s. Mckpickle, the vast majority of the furloughed pilots could have stayed home and made more money than we did at Coex as commuting FOs on reserve...did you see many people quitting then? What's the difference now?
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