Hey fellas. Looking to pursue an MBA and was wondering what universities have a good program and will pay for it while I flight instruct. Or 135 outfits for that matter. Any ideas are appreciated.
Purdue offers a flight instruction assistantship for grad students. You instruct 3 instrument/commercial students each semester, and they spring the bill for grad school. My instructor did this for her MS in Aero/Astro, but I think there is only one or two positions available. In addition to this program, all full-time instructors at the university receive a substantial discount on tuition.
I'd hazard to say most university aviation programs have similar benefits for their employees (instructors).
If you work at UPS, they'll contribute the IRS maximum for education. You could move to Louisville, get a job tosing boxes at Worldport, go to school and then flight instruct part-time. You wouldn't have much free time, but it'd let you get a decent paycheck, have school paid for, and build flight experience all at the same time.
Sorry I don't have an answer, but note that there are quite a few colleges with aviation programs where the flight training is done by a contractor, rather than the school itself. I'd be willing to bet that these schools won't meet your criteria for financial support, so you could probably narrow your search quite a bit on that basis.
We offer full tuition waivers (6 creds per semester), but instructor hiring will slack off quite a bit in the Fall. I've got 3 classes left for my MBA in Airline Management, and the University has covered all my tuition costs, it's a great deal considering the tuition cost here...just have to pay for books. PM me if you want more info.
Thanks guys. I was hoping for a "normal" university that has a good MBA program that also has a flight program so I could get that grad degree for free. I want the entrepeunership part so I won't have to let someone else tell me how much I can make. I want an education outside flight.
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