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EMB 145 call outs, anything?

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Jan 19, 2003
Looking for some advice or material for the EMB145 to study for initial. Or advice. Thanks
i'd wait til groundschool to find out the callouts. They vary between companies even if they use the same aircraft. Plus callouts change time and again..You'll have plenty of time to learn them, but if you really want to know be airline specific, so someone from that airline can give ya the most up to date info.

good luck with gs, and congrats.
Here's one for ya:

"What the hell is it doing now?"

How about:

No George, We're supposed to be turning in the other direction.... :eek:


Loc Captured, maintaining full scale deflection:D
Loc captured, maintaining full scale deflection
That describes the CRJ AP pretty well. No to mention the snap roll it does to try to capture. Something has gone horribly wrong with it when I can fly a better ILS than it can.
RichardFitzwel9 said:
Here's another.....

How about:

Shut-up Bitch!
(High Speed, Ding Ding Ding, High Speed....blaring in the background):p

I thought she was saying "Hi Steve" "Hi Steve"
I always wondered who in the hell Steve was.:D

How about
"glide slope, glide slope"

reply "visual"

followed by:

"Sink rate, Sink rate"

reply "noted"
Re: RichardFitzwel9

RichardFitzwell said:

excellent post! I found it both emotionly and cognitively stimulating. It fits well into the genre of writing's by Hemmingway, maybe mixed ever so slightly with Vonnegut. Its a tantalizing tale that keeps you guessing all the way to the climactic peak. I laughed, I cried, I nearly soiled my pants.

Sheesh, its a name, and a name I've been using for several years with my Yahoo account and Hotamail. Its just new here. You think I can remember thirty different screennames?:confused:

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