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EK Holding Pool Questions??????

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Hello guys,

First of all, i want to thank everyone for the help during my interview process. Mainly, Typhoon Pilot who gave an honest assesment in the situation in Dubai and at emirates. Here are my questions...

1. I am in the holding pool at EK and am afraid that i will be swimming for a long time. I am currently an RJ pilot and with the new future furloughees at United, American, Continental, and many others; i feel that EK might rescind their offer and give the guys with heavy time a chance. I interviewed back in May and am hoping for a class date later this year or early part next year. Should i be worried or is this just my nerves getting to me.
No, however from what I'm told is that all classes for 2008 have been assigned. All pilots in the pool will be assigned class for 2009. Mainly due to delay in Boeing deliveries of up to 3 to 4 months now. This came straight from pilot recruitment. However, things change on a weekly basis here too.
2. If i do make it to dubai, what kind of connections do they have for bbq grills. Is it the same as here in the states for propane connection? I am an avid griller and that is one of the greatest passions in life for me:)
Definitely bring your own over as grills here are WAY expensive compared to the states. Propane connections are the same. You can ship over with all your other stuff in a container, use the cargo concession allowance, or use discount on FEDEX. For a 114 lb grill, it will cost you $298 to ship. (There are limits as to the size of box you can FEDEX over) Still MUCH cheaper to buy and ship from the U.S. then to buy the same grill here.

3. Do any of you have experience in hiking/ camping in the UAE?

thanks for the replies....

patiently waiting in the states.


Hope that helps.
Latest numbers from the fleet side that might help answer your questions.

325 in the pool. All those offered contracts will be honored, but it may be all the way out to April until given a class. No interviews until at least Jan, if not later. Boeing's delayed up to 7 weeks. No new Boeings until Dec, then 5 come on line right away. Roughly 40 of the Airbus 310 pilots to the Boeing, the rest to the bus. Those will start late September. 380's are running four months behind.
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I was just wondering where that 325 number came from? The last EK Flt Ops update (#11), said there were 140 or so in the pool and that was about 2 weeks ago...

Standards meeting with training when A.S. and E.D. came in to speak. Not saying it's accurate as it might have been heard wrong or maybe he just spoke wrong. He said they were communicating with the top 100 on the list on a monthly basis and the list was right at 325. Don't know if he's got his numbers right or if it was heard wrong or not.

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