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EK and girlfriends

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2002
i've seen a ton of info about bringing wives to dubai for the job. are there any rules about girlfriends? i'm in a super long term relationship (we don't plan on ever getting married for many reasons), and was wondering if that kind of thing was allowed. she's willing to move with me, i just don't know what the company thinks of that kind of thing.
kind of figured that. can you elaborate? if i get offered an interview this is going to be ugly (having that conversation, that is). if i'm lucky enough to get an interview and get the job, i'm going. so that's going to be even uglier. i guess what i'm asking is, is it against company policy? against the law?
Sorry, get married or break it up. What you want is against the law here, and you can't commute and keep your sanity.
At my interview six weeks ago, a South African guy and his wife asked if they could bring their nanny. EK said yes, the new joiner would sponsor the nanny's visa. Maybe that would be the way to do it. Just a thought.

I could be wrong but thought I heard you can't have a live in female maid if you are single.
I had a friend not too long ago bring his Girlfriend for the interview....She said they treated her like Crap. He was not invited back for the last day of interviews. You are either married or have a Fiance'. Sorry....if you want the job you know what you gotta do.
I could be wrong but thought I heard you can't have a live in female maid if you are single.

This is true...no live in female if you are single. So, that means you can't sponsor her as a maid/nanny or anything like that. The company sponsors your resident visa then you sponsor your wife's resident visa, but you need a marriage certificate to prove that you are legally married.

As far as -200 saying it's OK to bring her over for the interview. I haven't heard of any significant others getting treated differently because they wern't married during the interview.

The only way for her to go there with you is for her to find a job in Dubai and have whatever company she will be working for sponsor her resident visa. Otherwise....I think you are out of luck dude. However, I think that she can come and go from the UAE on a US passport for 60 days at a time on a visitor visa but I don't know how many times a year she can do that.


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