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EJA Interview?

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Sep 21, 2002
I recieved a EJA application and sent it in via Fed Ex on Sept 2 and have not gotten any response yet from EJA. What has the time response been to other individuals who have sent in completed applications in the past few months?

What are the odds I will get a interview?

Any info will be appreciated.


Word is that it is taking a VERY long time......They've got hundreds, if not a thousand in the pool waiting for interviews.....Classes are supposedly full for the remainder of the year......You could be waiting quite a while, I'm afraid......Sorry......
Did you have any LORs from NJA pilot(s)? That seems to be a prerequisite right now. I had a buddy that sent in his package in Dec. 2001, he just interviewed in Aug. 2002.

Good luck,
Submitted Resume on January 5th, 2002
Received Application January 14th
Returned Application January 15th
Received the 'we will contact you' letter January 30th

I've been updating every 2 months or so since then and have heard nothing back. I have one LOR.

No news is good news... Interviews are backed up big time... Additionally: someone in your back ground may be holding out until the legal time limit expires...

I called, but it was 4 years ago for me.. They will not schedule you or call until the back ground is complete.. The company is very careful... If you feel the background check is good then call or write a letter..

Just to give you a warm and fuzzy... The company ordered 200 more aircraft at the NBAA.. Our total will now be 1200 or so aircraft.. Pilots needed, 6052 or so....

Good Luck

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