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Dry Lease (or wet) HELP

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Nov 27, 2001
I have a contract customer (part 91) who wants to supplement some of his cost by leasing his bird to a few select customers. I have those customers lined up. They came to me. There is a very FAA legal way to do this, but I have no experience in this field. Anybody know the formula? Thanks
Be carefull with this and contact a good aviation attorney for advice. Most wet deals are 135 operations. Insurance carrier will have a say in this also. Good luck.
I don't think I'd get within 100 feet of this. In my experience, you absolutely cannot earn back more than 50% of the cost from what I understand.

The "command and control" / operational control is so high on the Feds' radar right now I would avoid it like the plague.

Why not just put it on a certificate and have your people book through the company? Everyone wins that way. If you do a dry lease with them, you're guaranteed your dough every hour you fly.

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