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Driver recounts jet fuel spraying on family's car

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Dennis Miller said:
[FONT=verdana, arial, helvetica] the family, he said, was recuperating and counting its blessings.[/FONT]

Indeed. Instead of being thankful they were alive, they were delighted over the opportunity to get something for nothing. A life has been ended and others irrevocably damaged, (the crew) yet all these people can think about is me, me, me.
capt. megadeth said:
People like this make me want to vomit.

It's the blood-sucking lawyers that make me want to vomit !! They circle events such as these like vultures, just looking for people they can entice into suing companies.
It's representative of the overall decline in morals in this country. Did SWA 'purposely' ram their plane off the end of the runway to spray jet fuel on this guy? It was an accident!
This is our greatest threat to National Security!

jetexas said:
It's representative of the overall decline in morals in this country.

...the source of eventual destruction of this great nation. Don't get me wrong, I support the current efforts in Iraq, but while we're in foriegn lands securing our freedoms, we're imploding. Tis' the reckless and immoral use of those freedoms that will lead to our undoing!
Mr. Big Shot Lawyer sure has a sad website. Member.aol, wow, spent a lot of time on that.
jetexas said:
It's representative of the overall decline in morals in this country. Did SWA 'purposely' ram their plane off the end of the runway to spray jet fuel on this guy? It was an accident!
I hear ya.

There was an accident that happened in our town last year where an off duty fireman was driving home late at night from a bar and he struck a bicyclist on a dark road. The bike didn't have any lights on it and the fireman stopped when he hear the noise of the impact...but he didn't realize that the cyclist was down in a ravine...so he drove home. Accidents happen.
JetPilot_Mike said:
Mr. Big Shot Lawyer sure has a sad website. Member.aol, wow, spent a lot of time on that.

What will even better is when he comes to this site because he has so many hits on his board, and then reads what people think of him.

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