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Dont go to MAPD

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big dog1

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2002
posting this message to make sure that all who are considering
the MAPD program, are now in the early stages of the program
(private, or I-1), or in the hiring pool are fully aware of what is
happening at Mesa Airlines right now. Mesa is not going to grow the
way many of you who have posted on this board think it will. Right
now, there is an excess number of pilots from CC Air and US Air
mainline who are all entitled to a position before any of the San
Juan graduates. Additionally, the 1900 fleet will be reduced
considerably by the end of 2003. That creates a pool of pilots who
will be "involuntarily displaced" out of their equipment into the
jet or the Dash-8. What you all have to realize is that Jonathan
Ornstein and all of his colleagues in Farmington, Phoenix, and
Midland are going to tell you anything you want to hear about you
getting hired quickly. These training programs are a cash cow for
the company. The reality of the situation is that many of you will
be lucky to get hired before 2005, if at all. If you have not yet
enrolled in any of the training programs, or are in the early
stages, I would strongly consider withdrawing from the program.
This industry is going to have an excess of overly-qualified pilots
for a long time to come. As soon as our most recent contract was
signed, Ornstein openly admitted that financing aircraft was going
to be a major obstacle to our growth, given the state of the
industry. Until the contract was signed, the growth was a
certainty. After the the contract was signed, it wasn't such a
certainty. He dangled jet growth in the pilots faces the same way
he's dangling the jet simulator in yours. That jet simulator has
been "3 to 6 months away" for the last 3 years. The bankers who
were originally supposed to finance our huge jet expansion have
decided to spend their money a little more wisely- I suggest you do
the same. The expansion isn't happening as quickly as the powers-
that-be would like you to believe. The 700's and 900's that we have
on order can easily be staffed with the current pool of pilots on
the existing seniority list, given the fact that the Beech is going
to be retired. I suggest that you start asking alot of questions of
JO and his little cabinet of cronies. Waving a jet simulator in
your face doesn't mean squat when you won't be able to find work
after dumping 50 grand.

I don't really know about the Mesa school or the hiring practices but I know that all of the CCAir guys start training this Monday. They are training 60 guys and putting them in Philly. All of this information I received from 3 CCAir guys.
I'm planning on going through MAPD in fall '03 at ASU. We were never really put under the impression that we will definately get jobs with Mesa afterward. That would be sweet, but no one is under the impression that it is assured. The program is 45k plus you get a four year degree. Seems like a pretty good deal to me. 45k isn't bad at all when you compare it to blowing 140k at ERAU. It also works well with my situation because I got a full-tuition waiver with my ASU scholarship.

All the students I have talked to seem to like it a lot. They have two full-motion sims that they got in Jan '03, which I take as evidence that Mesa cares about the program.

Even if the regional growth won't last, why would that specifically deter me from MAPD? Either way, through whatever school, you would still rely on the regional "stepping stone" right?

BTW, do you think that people who went through MAPD (but don't get hired by Mesa) will get burned by the same heat Mesa pilots are getting now for taking that contract?
I think the point he was trying to make was, that after spending all the money and time in the school, you wont be able to find a job ANYWHERE, especially Mesa.
bailout said:
I think the point he was trying to make was, that after spending all the money and time in the school, you wont be able to find a job ANYWHERE, especially Mesa.

Oh well, I guess I shouldn't become a pilot then :(

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