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Does this make any sense whatsoever?

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§kyye Candy said:
Does it make any sense? NOPE.

Consider this: At DIA (DEN), if you are in the secured area with an expired SIDA ID, they can't let you go out to the parking area (where CARS are parked, which is outside the secured area and accesible by the general public) - not even when escorted by another pilot with a valid SIDA! They can, however, allow you back on the RAMP! Go figure.

That's seriously screwed up.
I had the same shoe incident occur at CMH. I didn't beep but they made me get additional screening because of my shoes. They didn't even make me take off my shoes for the additional screening, just wanded them.
capt. megadeth said:
I usually go through the crew line with my work shoes that beep, so I take them off. Well......

For the first time in years, I was on a regular ticket and I went through security. As I approach the TSA person, he says to me: "I highly recommend you take your shoes off". I elected not to, I did not beep and I got to be strip searched. Then, they made me take off my shoes anyway and proceeded to wand me as if I beeped.


I asked the lady wanding me what that was all about and she said that they "can't make people take their shoes off. All we can do is highly recommend that they do". I said, "and if they don't, they have to go through the whole rigamarol?" She said "yes".


What's the big secret? Why can't they tell you that you have to take your shoes off or else be subject to the entire wanding process in which you will have to take your shoes off anyhow?????

What the he!! is wrong with this picture? I do know one thing: I feel a lot safer now......PUHLEASE!!!!!!

Sure it makes sense. Some A-HOLE tries to light his shoes on fire and 3 years later the government gets around to making a rule to inspect shoes to keep any other A-HOLES from trying the same thing. Meanwhile, it is so far in the past that 99% of Americans have completely forgotten about the entire incident. So now everyone is like WTFO?!?

I agree the entire security situation is more smoke and mirrors than true protection. But I would guess that anyone trying the stuff like the DOUCHEBAGS from 9-11 will get beat on rather than appeased. Hopefully beaten to a bloody pile. The best law the government could pass is if anyone gets rowdy on a plane and gets his arse whooped for it, anyone partaking in the whooping gets a citation and immunity from ANY type of court actions.
They actually made me take off my shoes in PHX when I was traveling to DIA a couple of weeks ago.

Like everyone else has echoed, it takes them three years to get around to having people take off their shoes AND not carry lighters onboard.

When I was an FA, and before 9-11, we used to complain in recurrent that people could take on six-inch knives on the plane. Even after a guy cut himself up in a Southwest bathroom, they still did not make a ruling. It took destroying four airplanes and thousands of lives to make a decision.

That is our government in action. Simply amazing!!

TSA Scanners

Well, apparently flip-flops aren't even immune to the search. As I went thru the other day, I did not take them off and had to be searched. What's the world coming too?
TSA, small-town cops--it's all the same. A gun, a badge and unlimited authority given to someone with a self-esteem defecit... :rolleyes:

Oh yeah, all backed up by bureaucrats with god complexes. ;) TC

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