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Does this make any sense whatsoever?

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capt. megadeth

Metal Momma!
Oct 12, 2003
I usually go through the crew line with my work shoes that beep, so I take them off. Well......

For the first time in years, I was on a regular ticket and I went through security. As I approach the TSA person, he says to me: "I highly recommend you take your shoes off". I elected not to, I did not beep and I got to be strip searched. Then, they made me take off my shoes anyway and proceeded to wand me as if I beeped.


I asked the lady wanding me what that was all about and she said that they "can't make people take their shoes off. All we can do is highly recommend that they do". I said, "and if they don't, they have to go through the whole rigamarol?" She said "yes".


What's the big secret? Why can't they tell you that you have to take your shoes off or else be subject to the entire wanding process in which you will have to take your shoes off anyhow?????

What the he!! is wrong with this picture? I do know one thing: I feel a lot safer now......PUHLEASE!!!!!!
Does it make any sense? NOPE.

Consider this: At DIA (DEN), if you are in the secured area with an expired SIDA ID, they can't let you go out to the parking area (where CARS are parked, which is outside the secured area and accesible by the general public) - not even when escorted by another pilot with a valid SIDA! They can, however, allow you back on the RAMP! Go figure.
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Were you wearing those Kangaroo shoes that might have concealed a deadly lighter?
NEW POLICY ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As of a few weeks ago, EVEYONE (except crew) must take off their shoes. Failure to take off your shoes will require secondary screening including the removal of your shoes..

This is the long awaited Richard Reed effect.. Only 3 years after the fact. They want to make sure you're not hiding things in the heels of your shoes.
How many more years until we're all getting cavity searches after they can't make us take off anymore "concealable" pieces of clothing?
That's tha TSA-holes for ya!!! It's a circus now every time you go through security. They're there for looks, and the look is quickly going out of style.
Got this off the TSA website. Better start wearing those Flip-Flops, the John Kerry style.

Am I wearing the right shoes?

You are NOT REQUIRED to remove your shoes before you enter the walk-through metal detector. However, TSA screeners may encourage you to remove them before entering the metal detector as many types of footwear will require additional screening even if the metal detector DOES NOT alarm.

Footwear that screeners will encourage you to remove because they are likely to require additional screening:

Platform shoes (including platform flip-flops)
Footwear with a thick sole or heel (including athletic shoes)
Footwear containing metal (including many dress shoes)

Footwear that screeners are less likely to suggest you remove includes:

"Beach" flip-flops
Thin-soled sandals (without metal)

TIP: Since a thorough screening includes x-ray inspection of footwear, wearing footwear that is easily removable helps to speed you through the screening process.
Dressed for success, !!!!

I travel everyweek on business, and this TSA crap is really out of hand down here in the land of Mickyville...so last week I bring my suit in a drycleaners bag, launch it with my carry on bag containing dress shoes and such....when I started to walk toward the machine, they had the gall to look at me like an idiot for coming there in My Jammies and flip flops...! I had a smile on my face the entire way through security, not a beep out of the machine...slid right through...but some of them looked like they wanted to search me anyway!...Ha.....

I get dressed in the concourse bathrooms now, why go through all this crap just to dress 2 times and wrinkle everything!
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There is a reason for the increase in the shoe inspections. If you are 121 or 135 look up your latest security notices from jan. and Feb.

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