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DMV Check

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Shoulda been a banker...
Apr 19, 2006
Long story short: I got a ticket last year in MS for not having insurance verification about three days before I was transferred to PA. I tried to handle it through the mail but just found out that MS may not have accepted it and may have suspended my license. My license is not a MS license so they can't suspend it but my home state might have if they were notified. I have no idea what my driving record shows with respect to my license status in my home state. Worst case is that my home state will have received some sort of notification and suspended my license. I have an interview with a 135 operator next week and want to know if I am facing employment disqualification under these circumstances or if they are looking for DUI related offenses when they do the DMV check. My driving record is clean otherwise. Anybody know what they are looking for and what will pass muster and what won't?
I don't know what they call it in your state, but in mine a printout of your recent (3 yrs) driving record is called an abstract and is available for a nominal fee from the DMV. Try to get one before the interview so that you know the status of your driving record. Also contact the court listed on your citiation. Do not give any information for which there is no current record to a prospective employer. Clear this up before it generates a more serious law violation. Take action tomorrow!

I did the same thing, forgot to pay a registration ticket I received days before I moved to Florida. I forgot about the ticket due to the move. I initially got my license in Florida with no problems, but it was automatically suspended upon notification from North Carolina 3 months later. A year later I got pulled for rolling through a stop sign, handcuffed and searched. I had my Florida drivers license in my posession, so they only wrote me a ticket for a driving with a suspended license without knowledge, and let me go.

In the meantime I had a background check done by the county sherriff's office for a government job I had applied for, and gotten. Nobody caught my suspended license, or my lack of listing it on my application since I was unaware. This background check is the same one the Deputy applicants go through, so I'm not sure why it wasnt caught.

It's not a big deal really. No points after I took an online driving safety course (no idea how this teaches you not to drive with a suspended license but whatever), and it was about 100 dollars worth of fines/court costs plus the online driving course...an honest mistake.

My point is, if you know it, then list it. It shouldnt happen...I should have been more responsible, and without a doubt there were other options available to you to get it taken care of, but it happens to alot of people and if it was such a big deal the penalty would be much greater. Honesty is much better than omitting it, IMO. I wouldnt worry too much, but take care of it ASAP.
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