Does anyone know about hiring for DHL International? Do they contract the pilots to fly the DHL aircraft overseas (I.E. the 757's)? Also, any thing going on hiring wise with DHL stateside?
Thanks for any input.
Don't know about the DHLI side of the fence. I can tell you that they are all independent within the country it operates or it is a larger carrier that DHL has it's fingers in like Cathay, Sinnotrans, et al.
I can tell you that DHL Airways, (US), is not hiring and there's no light at the end of the tunnel. New hub at CVG is supposed to open in July and will have double the current parking spots we currently have, but so far, no aircraft order. Also, the CEO died in Oct and until further notice, we have a former flight attandant running the show. The current management has been at DHL for the last two years and has systematically destroyed any good vibes that used to exsist between the company and the pilots.
Growth is coming more from charter than anything else right now but might increase if they decide to ever advertise. Has all the potential in the world. We'll see. Better still than so many of the situations out there right now and the way things are headed may end up as one of the better paying jobs in the industry.
Did DHL US recall the voluntary furloughees from Sep 2001? Thanks for the info. I had a phone interview 2 years ago and was invited to do a interview but then they had a hiring freeze. I decided to fly on the right side of the clock but was later furloughed. Hope things get better for DHL. It's a great company!!
As far as the voluntary LOA's, some are still out. Any that have returned. returned on their own. I think there are still around 5 to ten still on LOA. It's a good deal for those can take advantage, but I think everyone wants to see the company grow to where this LOA stuff is a thing of the past.
I heard DHL Ariways has 10 new 727s from ATA sitting in the shop waiting to go on the line. Is there any truth to this? Also heard they are looking into more heavies.
Don't know about the heavies, but I heard today that the rumor is that the 10 72's are going to be additional aircraft. The original story was that they would be replacements. If the "additional" rumor is true, then it'll almost double the 72 fleet, which would be great. Still, it's just a rumor.
Also, the story is that the push of growth is going to be in response to the new "Ground Service" they are going to start offering this month. We'll see.
What makes you think I work there! LOL I tried really hard to make my answers generic. Oh well, there goes my career as a double agent mastermind.
Anyway, I hope it happens soon as well. As far as how I like working there, it's been great! But, I have to say I have had a VERY unusual experience. In a nutshell, I got hired 01/02/01, was there about 6 months and then, for various reasons the company offered a sweet voluntary leave of absense. Since I could make more as a contract corporate captain than a first, second or third year 727FE, and,they were willing to let all of my LOA time count towards my probation, and, I would continue to accrue seniority, longevity (for pay), sick time and vacation, and, they would continue to pay their portion of my medical insurance, I took them up on the offer. The company would have prefered to furlough I'm sure, but could not, due to contractual reasons, and, to their credit, they never claimed force majuer in order to screw their pilots.
The pros are:
1. New hub opening in July
2. Launch of ground service should produce growth (seemed to work for UPS pretty well)
3. Great (and ever present) potential for growth.
4. Great contract with one area that really needs tighening up and I think will be the hill to die on in the next negotiations...scope.
5. Good money, benis and retirement
6. Privately held company, helps prevent competitors from knowing your biz
1. Older aircraft, all have engineers, panel sucks
2. Flying the backside of the clock can be taxing, hopefully there will be more day flights as time goes on
3. No nice jetbridge to go from terminal to A/C in lousy CVG weather, that's just cargo though
4. Company, the ground side hates our current scope clause much less the one we're working on
5. Privately held company, helps prevent pilots from knowing the company's biz
Good luck, hope to see you behind me in seniority in the near future!
Take care.
P.S. I'm due to go back March of 04 at fourth year seniority. I'll go back sooner if I'm awarded an upgrade or can hold a line.
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