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departing VFR, call clearence delivery?

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Jan 22, 2006
I know you have to when you are departing class B, but what about C and D. Can a call to ground "VFR to the ___" take the place?
There's no hard and fast rule to cover everything. What does it say in the airport facility directory? Does ATIS instruct you to contact clearance delivery?
Typically yes for Class C. Typically no for class D. From posts in similar threads, I know there is some variety but have never experienced it.
Whatever they told you to do on the ATIS.

Some class D airports have dedicated clearance delivery freqs and they need them. ADS can turn into a complete zoo on a weekend with a footbal game.

OTOH, I have flown out of SAT at night where one guy was doing everything.
As stated, listen to ATIS, but generally if there's a clearance delivery function, use it.

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