GL or anyone else in the know....what is the monthly attrition rate over at big "D"? Atleast for retirements, since it is really the only "known". Just trying to run some numbers here.
The retirement rate has really dropped off as of late compared to the large retirement chunk on Sept 1st----281 Capts on that day. (Mostly due to the low GATT rate). Now it is going on mainly for age 60 retirements. I think we are due to have 125 or so next year. Mostly about 10-15 per month. I wish it were more.
Leo is the ultimate spin-meister. Be cautious about anything he says - he tries to use the media as his negotiating table... In the end, the Delta pilots have the leverage - they don't HAVE to negotiate until 2005...
No real news. We do know that Dalpa received a proposal from management last week, but by NO MEANS has to do ANYTHING. Leo even stated that. We know that things are getting better, and management probably sees this as the last opportunity to get any sort of paycuts before better times return for good. (knock on wood) If we do nothing and wait until 2007 to finish talks (2 years of talks)---our pay difference between us and AA will be narrower---which would mean less of a paycut. We do realize that the company would like help, but where would that money go? To buy more RJs? To service the debt? To managment bonuses? Those questions need to be answered, and we will use the "share the pain" model with everyone---including mangement--and they may not like that. I know that you want to expand and get more RJs--and I think that that is entirely possible---but some sort of recalls eventually would have to be in there, or some help for those guys still out. It is very unlikely that Dalpa would agree to additional furloughs, due to the fact that they have worked very hard as of late to get those 250 back, and also they are still fighting for their back pay. With Leo going to the media and saying "if the pilots don't give up some pay---other workers may lose their jobs...." is not helping matters----for their cause anyway. We shall see, but that is all I know.
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