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Delta interviewees hung up by the shrink

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My interview team
Jan 30, 2006
I'm looking for anyone else out there that received a conditional offer from Capt A.W.K. and later got deemed to crazy to work at Delta by the shrink. I know many have been through this process, some later hired and some not. Right now I'm looking for anyone still waiting for the next review board due to happen within the next few weeks. (first week of Oct?) Let's share what we know... Let the rumors fly!

Cleared direct LOONY and hold as published, no EFC but expect direct DAL soon.
i was in my room and i was just like staring at the wall thinking about everything then again i was thinking about nothing and then my mom came in and i didn't even know she was there she called my name and i didn't hear her then she started screaming mike! mike! and i go what what's the matter and she goes what's the matter with you i go there's nothing wrong mom she goes don't tell me that you're on drugs i go no mom i'm not on drugs i'm ok i'm just thinking you know why don't you get me a pepsi she goes no you're on drugs i go mom i'm ok i'm just thinking she goes no you're not thinking you're on drugs normal people don't act that way i go mom just get me a pepsi please all i want's a pepsi and she wouldn't give it to me all i wanted was a pepsi just one pepsi and she wouldn't give it to me just a pepsi...
I didn't know the shrink was a jarhead?! You must have been in my interview with the qua.. I mean doc. Where were you hiding in that office?

BTW it went more like:
MOM! Meatloaf! Fv(K!
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Thats good

i was in my room and i was just like staring at the wall thinking about everything then again i was thinking about nothing and then my mom came in and i didn't even know she was there she called my name and i didn't hear her then she started screaming mike! mike! and i go what what's the matter and she goes what's the matter with you i go there's nothing wrong mom she goes don't tell me that you're on drugs i go no mom i'm not on drugs i'm ok i'm just thinking you know why don't you get me a pepsi she goes no you're on drugs i go mom i'm ok i'm just thinking she goes no you're not thinking you're on drugs normal people don't act that way i go mom just get me a pepsi please all i want's a pepsi and she wouldn't give it to me all i wanted was a pepsi just one pepsi and she wouldn't give it to me just a pepsi...
Band camp.....

"There was this one time, in band camp......"
-Probably not a good story for them....

-Just guessing.
So even after their last shrink commited suicide they still think this is a valid way to screen pilots?
Many, many years ago, before I became an airline pilot, I was a cop in a big city. I was involved in a shooting, and it was policy to see a shrink afterwards. Well, two weeks after seeing that city shrink, he decided to to take a walk outside his office. Oh, his office was 20 stories up.
Did you hear about the guy that goes in to see the shrink naked except for being wrapped in plastic wrap?

The Doctor looked him over and said, "Sir I can completely see your nuts!"
I was sitting in my room and my mom and my dad came in and they pulled up a
chair and they sat down, they go:
- Mike, we need to talk to you.
And I said:
- Okay, what's the matter?
They go:
- Well me and your mom, we been noticing lately you've been having alot of
problems, and you haven't been acting like yourself, and we're afraid that
you're going to hurt somebody, and we're afraid that you're gonna hurt
yourself, so we decided that it would be in your best interest if we put
you somewhere where you could get the help that you need...
And I said:
- Wait, what are we talking about?! We decided?! My best interest?! How can
you know, how can you say what my best interest is? What are you trying to
say? I'm crazy? When I went to your schools, I went to your churches, I
went to your institutional learning facilities. So how can you say that I'm
My old roommate scored a DAL interview years ago and decided to use a unique approach to meeting the shrink.....

Carlos walked into his office sat down and didn't say a word to the guy, figuring if he was "so smart" he'd let the Dr. have the first word.......

Apparently some time went by before anything was said, they just starred at one another! (I was almost rolling on the floor at this short point of my friends story... thinking that ole Carlos was a little naive). My roomee decided that it must be some type of test and decided that he would win......

I think the Dr. may have spoken first, but my roomee needless to say did not get the job. (don't feel bad for him though, he is a check airman at FEDEX now. I think he talks to boxes.....)

Honest to God that was a true story......

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you walk into any ones office...., you stick out your hand and introduce yourself right?

Unless you are OJ Simpson and you are in handcuff's :laugh:
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