I am currently a junior in the Army ROTC program on a guaranteed reserve forces scholarship from the National Guard. When I decided to pursue the program, I did with the understanding that it was possible to switch my commission from the Army to the Air National Guard. My dream has always been to be a military aviator and I was told that the guard or reserves was the best way to go to get the most time. All of my time is in fixed wing, and I have never been in a helicopter. However, my contract basically guarantees me a flight slot in the Army National Guard, or possibly the Air National Guard if everything works out. I have began the process of preparing my package for the Air Guard and I am hoping for an interview next summer. I realize that if I make it through the interview process I will have to get a conditional release from the Army in order to switch over. I do not have a MOS, the only money the Army has invested in me is my scholarship. What are my chances of getting a conditional release from the Army? Also, I am starting to enjoy this Army stuff and I have my eye on the Black Hawk. It looks like an awesome bird to fly. I want a challanging flying career in the military, I am planning to go active eventually after I get my wings.What kind of flight time do young officers get in the Army Guard as compared to the Air Guard? How does flying a helicopter compare to flying fixed wing? I am not sure if it is worth the battle of trying to switch over because I do not know much about Army Aviation. If anyone could enlighten me on Army aviation and has any advice, I am all ears. Thanks