There is nothing to preclude anyone who is VFR to request to shoot an ILS or any other instrument approach procedure ... of course, you were there and I wasn't. If they requested an IFR pick up to shoot the practice approach, or if VFR cloud minimums didn't exist, that's a whole different story.
Regardless the airplane they've chosen, I hope that Day Jet succeeds. If they do, that just means more pilot jobs out there ... and a higher demand for pilots. High demand = higher wages.
There is nothing to preclude anyone who is VFR to request to shoot an ILS or any other instrument approach procedure ... of course, you were there and I wasn't. If they requested an IFR pick up to shoot the practice approach, or if VFR cloud minimums didn't exist, that's a whole different story.
Regardless the airplane they've chosen, I hope that Day Jet succeeds. If they do, that just means more pilot jobs out there ... and a higher demand for pilots. High demand = higher wages.