Does anybody know of a way to find out if a company has a corporate flight department, and also what equipment they have. I'm trying to get some general info about some local companies and see if they are possibly in need of pilots. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks
There are professional directories that can help your situation but most prospective corporations will require you to surrender your seniority number prior to any offer of employment... if you have one.
Looks like you were a career airline pilot now making a lateral career change due to the wide spread difficulties in scheduled service. Most employers I know of will tend to look unfavorably on this aspect. Just as it was difficult to go from being a corporate pilot to the airlines when things were good... it may be even more difficult in many cases to go from the airlines to corporate.
If the companies you are interested in are NBAA, (National Business Aircraft Association), members, they will be in the NBAA directory. If not, you may have to find other avenues of approach. Try your local FBO for a copy. (If they too are members, they should have one).
This is just a bad time for all of us in aviation, good luck.
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