Can any pilot working for Corporate Airlines tell me about a typical new hire pilot schedule. How long on reserve? Likely base, St. Louis or Nashville?
Nashville reserve is usually 4 or 5 on 2 or 3 off. St. Louis reserve I think is about the same. They have some reserve lines that start at noon and end at noon though which is cool for the commuters.
If you were going to commute, STL would be easier than BNA. All BNA flights start and end out of MQY early and late in the day. Reserve lines start at 6:00 I think for the BNA crews.
Upgrade times could be around 1 year if things go as they say they are going to with the expansion. If we continue to stay stagnant then closer to 2 years. I have been online since NOV 02 and I am figuring upgrade in a month or two. Which is not too bad in my book compared to other regionals.
If you are in the pool and the expansion happens you will be a line holder with the quickness. The plane is a lot of fun to fly and the pilot group is real close. I have a lot of friends here and enjoy it for the most part. Pay Im sure you know su<ks. My W2 said I made 16,300 something last year. But I am sticking it out for the comparatively quick upgrade and 121 PIC time.
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