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Contract Flying

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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
I'm a fairly experienced guy with a couple useful type ratings to my name and for the first time I actually have time to do some part time flying outside my regular gig. Can anyone give some suggestions about finding some contract flying jobs? I'm wondering if there are some online websites that are the way to go or is it best just to wander around the local FBO's and just ask around or drop business cards or something.
The BIG question would be is.. are you current in any of those useful type ratings? Most insurance co's want you to be current within a year of a large school. ie FS, SF, SC.
There is a website like flycontract or something like that. You best bet is to network and find operators that use contract guys and press the flesh. Please dont undersell yourself to make it harder for those of us that charge a normal rate. I have just dealt with this issue and I now refuse to do anything for a company because they always use the lowest bidder. When they were in a jam they are willing to pay my price. Now the lowest bidder guy is no longer current and they are getting desperate.
What type are you looking to work on?
Are you school current?
What area are you in?
ContractFlyer said:
I know someone looking for EMB 120 and Saab 340 crews for ferry flights.

I might be up for some EMB-120 ferry flights. Send me some more info.
I've been flying contract stuff but it's the heavy iron and international. It's VERY different from your "normal" gig and by the sounds of it you're looking for corporate or small stuff, right?

Even for this, you need a specific type rating and best to be current. It's dog-eat-dog out there!

That last link is awesome!! Don't let the wife know I went there.;)

Well I'm current in the Beechjet and the Excel with Simuflite and FSI respectively in the past year. I've also got scads of BE200 time but it's been years since I've flown that. I fly for a fractional and was wondering about picking up some extra time on the side during my weeks off. Not a huge need but extra money never hurts, especially with Christmas coming ;).

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