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Continental Express ???

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2001
It seems like everytime something is said about COEx, a war starts on this message boards, no matter what kind of comment is made.
I have a question about the flow through agreement that COex previously had with Continental mainline. Before Continental allowed COex to become ExpressJet, apparently there was a flowthrough agreement where for every 3-4 pilots Continental mainline took from the outside, there had to be 1 from COexpress.
I'm not apart of Continental/COex so I don't know the details of this agreement.
According to the Calforums message board (which cannot be accessed anymore unless u are an employee) , before COexpress was ExpressJet and still considered a wholly owned, there was a flow through agreement. And apparently after COex was allowed to become ExpressJet the flow through was terminated. The COex guys complained and complained about the loss of the Flow through agreement. I would too. On the board, the agreement was supposed to cease sometime in Jan. 01.
My question is: if this agreement ended after Continental released COex which brought about ExpressJet, then how can the Continental mainline pilots still be able to FLOWBACK into ExpressJet?
ExpressJet won't be hiring for a long time now because all of these mainline guys are coming back to COex. Even with all of these new jets that they are getting, hiring has ceased. I need someone to please better explain what exactly happened over at Continental/COex and help me to better understand the terms of their flowthrough agreement. It seems like the COex guys have really gotten screwed.
How many guys are still forloughed at ExpressJet? When do they expect to possibly start hiring again?
DLconnection, the flow through is still alive, it has not been terminated! The problem is it's working in reverse right now. The ratio of flow through is 2:1. For every 2 guys hired off of the street 1 express guy goes over.

The flow through terminates if and when:

A) June 25, 2004 comes around.

B) 51% of controling intrest of COEX (Express Jet) is sold. That does not mean IPO. The key word is controlling intrest.

If the company tries to end it prematurly ALPA will have them in court in a heartbeat.

Also remember that CAL/CALEX are 1 MEC. If for some reason the flow through were to end the mainline guys would have a right to stay, just as a guy that flowed through to mainline had a right to stay. This has a few people pissed, but thats the spirit of the contract and I have no problem with that, it just means a little longer on reserve.

COEX has 393 on the street, hopefully they'll be back soon.

With the retirement of the ATR it has really streamlined the operation. There is a need of about 350 or so less pilots with a single fleet. This is due to 350 or so less pilots that are not in training at any one time, as well as need for pilots in the training dept, like myself.

As far as hiring, I don't see it happening anytime soon. CAL marketing suprised everyone by cutting the block hours a huge amount. During mid summer Express was planning on having all furlough back by February 03. Not anymore.

As far as us getting screwed, Osama Bin Ladon did it!

I hope this post answered your questions.
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Another thing is that CAL has toyed with the idea of having other carriers' props fly routes out of our hubs to destinations that we no longer serve. While we park our props and have furloughed people on the street. Our (XJET) managment is not to blame, it is the CAL managment.

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