Does CAL ever allow 2 cockpit jumpseat riders aboad on say a 767 when there is an IRO?(International Relief Officer)
It could work,since they allways reserve 1 First Class seat in the back or 3 coach seats for a rest area for the working crewmembers.For takeoff and landing,1 IRO in 1 jumpseat,1 cockpit jumpseat rider in the 2nd jumpseat,and the 2nd jumpseater could just ride in the rest seat for the takeoff and landing and then everyone would play musical chairs during the flight.
Does CAL allow this?
It could work,since they allways reserve 1 First Class seat in the back or 3 coach seats for a rest area for the working crewmembers.For takeoff and landing,1 IRO in 1 jumpseat,1 cockpit jumpseat rider in the 2nd jumpseat,and the 2nd jumpseater could just ride in the rest seat for the takeoff and landing and then everyone would play musical chairs during the flight.
Does CAL allow this?