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Consessions at the regionals

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If the pilot's pay was the same ratio as CEO pay, then Comair pilots would make more than Delta pilots. The Comair CEO made more than the Delta CEO before Delta purchased Comair.
i hope that all the regionals stay strong by not taking any consessions!! i would rather be furloughed (agian) then take a paycut for a job we are already underpaided to do. If the airlines can not afford to pay pilots, mechanics, FA close to what they are worth then they need to change the way they operate. right now it seems there are too many flights, not enough passengers traveling, and air fares from 1985 that are selling. if the airlines keep losing money well, cut flights, put more passengers on the remaining flights, become more efficient, then you stop losing money on the half full flights. unfortuneatley by doing this there are less employees but the ones that still have a job are paided for what they are worth and when the ones that got layed off get called back they can go to a job that is a career and not a 20K job to start. and what are pilots worth per yr.? a 4yr degree with all the ratings, certifcates anything less 25-28K yr. is sad. what is a CEO worth per yr. ? 500k-900K ?i dont think there is any job that is worth 500k-900k a year.
Pay Me Instead

I sent a letter to Delta management telling them that they could pay me $2 MILLION DOLLARS (visualize me with my pinky-finger near the corner of my mouth) to act as CEO for the next fiscal year. I told management that they could give the $12 million dollars they save, over the current CEO's salary, to bring back 133 furloughed pilots at $90,000 per year (or hire 400 "regional" pilots at $30,000 per year).

So far, I haven't heard back from them.
Re: Pay Me Instead

Looking4Traffic said:
I sent a letter to Delta management telling them that they could pay me $2 MILLION DOLLARS (visualize me with my pinky-finger near the corner of my mouth) to act as CEO for the next fiscal year. I told management that they could give the $12 million dollars they save, over the current CEO's salary, to bring back 133 furloughed pilots at $90,000 per year (or hire 400 "regional" pilots at $30,000 per year).

So far, I haven't heard back from them.

Looking4traffic, You might want to stay off the CEO message board. They are tearing you up over there as an undercutting whore who is not only lowering the bar but burying it!....................(He He He.) -Bean
a step in the right direction by mgt.


Salary reductions of 10% for Senior Officers, VPs and Directors and 5% for Managers and salaried positions above $30,000 per year will be effective with paychecks distributed on April 15th. The cuts in base salary and bonus plans will affect senior managers the most with reductions in potential cash compensation of 33% for Senior Officers, 27% for Vice Presidents and 16% for Directors. Those salaried positions with a base pay of below $30,000 will not be affected by the pay reductions. Also, no salary will be adjusted to a level below $30,000.

In addition, ACA will also eliminate payouts for the $hare the $uccess and Management Incentive Plan (MIP) programs effective immediately.

In announcing the changes, ACA President Tom Moore said this is a painful, but necessary step as the company begins to reposition itself to become more competitive, “We are facing the worst economic conditions in the history of our company, and frankly, in the history of our industry. With United’s long-term survival now very much in question, we must immediately take every step necessary to ensure that we are capable of continuing on as a viable business—even if our partners are not able to.”

He added, “Although there’s nothing positive about having to reduce salaries, we want to make it very clear that we are consciously reducing management pay first, before it becomes necessary to talk to our frontline employees about any pay rate or work rule issues. Our entire industry is clearly in a crisis mode at this time, and it is up to us to be proactive in order to stay one step ahead. That’s why I am asking every member of our ACA management team to take a leadership role in sacrificing part of their own salary as we work to find ways to avoid the fate that our partners at United are now suffering through.”

ACA has also announced the furloughs of 87 pilots in response to a surplus created by changes in our marketing schedule, reduced utilization and uncertainty in regard to our aircraft delivery schedule. ACA will be announcing additional cost-reduction measures in the coming weeks.

Tom Moore added, “We are not at all pleased to be in this position, and we waited as long as possible to see if these moves were avoidable. But we now know they are not. However, I sincerely believe that if we bring our expenses into line with the lowest-cost providers among all regional airlines, we will give ourselves the best possible chance to ride out this low point in our industry. I assure you this will not be easy, but we can do it if we all continue to work together.”
We all know regional pilots are some of the hardest working, lowest paid professional pilots out there. Hell, even the "good contracts" suck. Look at all the hoops you have to jump through just to make enough to qualify for food stamps. Comair guys fought the good battle then Mesa drops the ball with their contract.

If management asks for concessions, ask yourself if it is worth it. It would be hard to ask for pay concessions from someone at a poverty level, but I'm sure they would try.
If anyone is asked for consessions they need to make sure that they check everything out. CHECK THE BOOKS. Your union boys and girls need to use those dues and hire an accountant to check all the books. If my company is truely in trouble I would be willing to give what it takes and no more. Your company should never use the likes of Mesa as an example of what they want. If it only take 3 percent why take a cut of 10 percent? Your mom never let you get that special toy just because your friend had one, so you should not let your company tell you the likes of Mesa is normal and they want you to take what Mesa has.

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