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Company policies regarding hair style

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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2003
A female CFI friend is wondering what could be the airlines company policies regarding hair style. She has hair down to the lower back.( yes she is sexy).
What would be the maximum length she could have . Can she have long hair as long as she wears it up?
She could just use common sense and look around and see what the norm is. She doesn't have to go gender-neutral and put it up in a tight bun or anything, but it looks ridiculous to have long hair in uniform. Most wear neat ponytails and the like. Again, just use common sense!! It works!
Some airlines actually have a policy regarding this. Others just write "well kept, neat appearance" or something vague like that in the FOM.

I worked at an airline once where the written policy was to wear hair away from the face (i.e., in a ponytail) if the hair was longer than shoulder length. I've never seen any policy like this enforced.
Anais Nin said:
She could just use common sense and look around and see what the norm is. She doesn't have to go gender-neutral and put it up in a tight bun or anything, but it looks ridiculous to have long hair in uniform. Most wear neat ponytails and the like. Again, just use common sense!! It works!

Thread-jack. Anais Nin quote I have always liked.

"We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls."

Saw the handle for the first time. H. Miller fan myself.

Regarding the thread, keep it long enough to pull and wash it with pantene pro-v.;)

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