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Comair Schedules

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Flash 7

Well-known member
Jul 16, 2002
Can any of you Comair guys tell me what the Schedules are like there. I've been swimming since June.

1. What are the hard line days off range? min-max? Credit Hours range?

2. What are the min-max days off range for CD lines? Credit Hours range?

3. Are there lots of 4 & 5 day trips?

4. Are there any trips with late shows and early releases?
(I have to commute from LAX, Relocation not possible.)

5. How easy is it to drop or pick up trips? Can you drop your whole month? Can you pick up over 100 credit hours?

6. How does reserve work? Are there wraps, Airport ready? How do the days off get blocked? Can you drop reserve days?

Lastly if anyone could e-mail me a current bid pkg I would owe you big time!

Thanks Guys!

Hope to fly with ya soon!
Do you have the job yet?

ok, I'll answer...

1. we don't have hard lines, 82 or 84, big range

2. Three on three off, 76-9X....

3. yes

4. yes

5.yes, you have to have a line first. why not. yes

6.better than the old contract. what is a wrap, yes there are ready reserves. one 3, and one 4, but you can break them up. NO

good luck on the bid packet, it is huge
Lines are built between 82 and 93 hours' pay credit.

I believe all CD lines have eleven days off per month. Minimum monthly guarantee is 76 hours, but with duty-rig factored in, some CD lines are worth 95 hours pay in a 31 day month. Commuting pilots are provided a hotel room in CVG when they return from the CD line in the morning, but only if they're scheduled to fly that night.

Over the last six months, the percentage of four-day trips available has been between 35%-40%. The average is around 37% of total trips.

Over the same period, five-day trips run between 1% and 6% of total. The average is around 4% of total trips.

Seems relatively easy to add and drop trips. Adding is a little more difficult, since there's only three days to access open flight time each month.

You can pick up over 100 hours' pay credit in a month. My record to date is 111 in a month.

Most reserve windows run 14 hours. There are a couple that are 4-6 hours long.

I've "bid to fly" (made myself junior available on reserve) and flown as little as 10 hours in one month. I've also flown as much as 80 hours one month on reserve. In that particular month, I accumulated 100 hours pay credit. I was senior on reserve that month.

I'm not sure if a reserve day can be dropped. I certainly couldn't afford to when I was on reserve.

You can be required to do not more than 6 ready reserves (airport available) in a bid period (month). The ready reserve duty time is normally six hours long. You'll get at least 4:20 pay credit each time you sit ready reserve. Beware, you might get called to fly five minutes before your ready reserve period ends. That flight assignment can range from a quick out-and-back trip, to a five day trip.

There's a Commuter Policy in the contract. Basically, if you list yourself on two flights (Delta or DCI), with the second scheduled to arrive at least an hour before your scheduled report time, and you can't make it to work, it's an excused absence. Pay is adjusted accordingly. I don't know how the policy addresses jumpseating on offline carriers. I don't think that's covered, but you should ask someone who commutes.


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