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Comair past employee

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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2002
Hey everyone. I am sure everyone's eyes are on Bush tonight but I was hoping someone may be able to answer to Comair future plans for me. I am a past employee with them as a customer service agent. I would love to go back I am just wondering if there may be anyway I can get an advantage since I am a past employee. I would contact the base manager but I feel it would look weird. Any suggestions would be great. I am also wondering if anyone has updated info as to what they are going to do this year. Looking forward to responses. CYA
I am a former CSA from Comair now on the flight ops side. Talk to the station manager and ask for a letter of rec. I had one from my station manager. I do not know if that got me the job, but I figure it did not hurt. Send me an email or private post if you have any other questions.
Good luck!
I don't know what the policy is, but it never hurts to ask. I personally know of a ramp agent that left to get qualified and is now a first officer. Some airlines never promote from within or allow people to return, but Comair seems to be different. I would call your old boss. Did you want to return with the same job? Why would it be weird? I'm sure it happens all the time, and if you stop thinking it's weird, I'm sure your old boss will too.

It never hurts to call, or to ask, unless you are asking for something illegal!! Just a suggestion, read the book, " I could do anything I want, if I only knew what it was," By Barbara Sher. It will help you to go after your dream job, even if it seems impossible. Good luck.
Hook up @ Comair

To be blunt. It would be stupid to not use the past employment at Comair as an Advantage. Depending on your longevity with the company will depend on it's overall effect on your hiring. Others are,why shouldn't you? I threw bags for Northwest Airlines, Mesaba and Pinnacle when I was going to college and I am using that as a way in. You have what others probably wish they had. I think it would look good if comair hired one of it's past employees that is trying to move up. What a success story for them, that's what I think. I wish nothing but the best for you. Let me know how it goes?!

I will leave with a quote that has motivated me to suck it up, keep on truckin, and follow the dream through adversity, initiative and motivation......

"The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them."
-George Bernard Shaw

Continue to slip the surlies with a smile. Hyperboy
Thanks alot for the encouragment guys. If there is anyone else out there with any comments please let the flood gates open. Thanks Again


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