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Comair/Military hirees

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Apr 4, 2002
Just wondering how many military new hires are waiting for a class date?

Based on other recent posts, I see that the Academy CFI's all the way through May (except one) have a class date. Now we know that Comair likes to split up the classes based on background, I wanted to get an idea of how far along the military guys are?

I interviewed June 20th and no word yet (no surprise). What was the interview date of the last military guy who was assigned a class?
Count me in as one of the military guys waiting for class - but you already knew that. Good questions, how many military guys in the pool?
Apparently there are only 3 military guys in the Comair pool, from the results of this post. Perhaps that is good news for us...
I think there was a military guy in my interview group May 21, Tri-Holer do you remember? I don't know if he's in the pool, though.
As I recall, he was an Army Guard helicopter pilot flying for a company in CA. He was not picked up.
I am Military,,,,,,,,, BUT, I was AUG 2001. I just got relaesed. I am in OCT 14 class.
Don't know if that helps.
Notch up the military count one more! I interviewed in August 2002. After a quick look through the forums I can't get a good feel for how many people (mil and civ) are waiting at Comair. Any ideas?

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