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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001
I got a message from Comair today, have to call them back tomorow, i'm pretty sure there gonna set up an interview. Does anyone know how long the wait is from congrats letter till a class date?
I interviewed 20 Nov. I got the congrats letter about 10 days later. I'm happily swimming in the New Hire pool. I'm thinking I will get a class date in Feb. sometime.
What was the wait time from resume to phone call for interview. I had a captain walk one in a few weeks ago.
I'm going to the DFW job fair next week with resume and Captain LOR in hand. Wish me luck
3 weeks!? They told us at the Nov. interview to expect about three months. I just got off the phone with Comair yesterday and they told me to expect Feb.
Don't feel too bad, it took me six months from interview to class. Trust me, it's worth the wait. Growth is excellent over here. Good luck. Hey stearman, where were you based on the C-5?
3 Months... 3 Weeks..???

you think either 3 weeks or 3 months is too long????

They told you 3 months and turned out to be 2-4, 3 weeks and turned out to be less than that or more than that???

Hey, I interviewed Jun 20th, 2002, and through no fault of Comair, Im still in the pool.... you can see the wrinkless in my skin from a mile away. Right now I think Im the only civilian in the pool with enough pool seniority to bid for lifesaver:D :D :D

Yet, im still here, hired, waiting and hoping that my class will soon come, I know this company is worth the wait, and this is the job I wanted so if in the mean time I have to settle for "something else" while I can begin class, then that's what I'll do. But you bet your's.... Im glad at least Im in the pool already, and even though Im not so sure that light at the end of the tunnel is a train or not, Im glad all I have to do is wait.

For those of you in the pool be patient, you are in a good place and soon to be in a better one. The way I see this wait is like when you first got to that magical 1000th hour or 1200 or 1500 depending on your goal, and you looked back and realized that you still didn't have neither enough time, nor enough experience, and that in the big picture 1 Hr or 10 or 11 or 1000 ain't really that big a deal, the same way 3 weeks, 3 months, 7 months or the 10 that might take me is not that big a deal either, it's just time, and you have more time than life anyway...

I think the harvest of this wait will be great and it will come exactlly at the right time, not sooner, not a moment later....

be patient, and enjoy the pool, I've been swiming a lot and P-ing enough that the water would be warm when you got here ;)

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I'm not a C-5 guy yet. I have been hired by an Air Force Reserve Sqdn out of Dover. Unfortunately I'm a stop lossed Marine right now. That's holding things up a little. I was hoping to be in an Altus C-5 class in the fall but now...who knows. Are you still flying the C-5 in the Reserves or the ANG?

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