Does anyone have information regarding Comair aviation academy. I am interested in mulit-engine course(already have com,inst cfi, cfii). Any help would be great!!!!
I tend to agree with cowboy. Nothing bad to say about that school but you may be better off (less expensive) getting the multi-com-inst on your own also. You can do them all in the same check ride. Up to you however, schools give you a good structured environment to lean in but you pay extra for it.
The reason I said it is in case you are thinking about becoming a DCA CFI. As far as I know they only hire those who have finished AT LEAST the CFI and CFII in house. (It used to be different before.) Thus the multi alone would not be enough to get hired as a CFI and re-doing the CFI with DCA (I think this is an option as well.) just for the sole purpose of getting hired then get paid $10/h seems to be an extreme idea to me. But on the other hand some people will cash out 20-30k for PFT so why not re-do your CFI and CFII for 8-10k LOL right? I myself would not do it though.
BTW I am a DCA student and I definitely recommend the school for anyone who wants to do the whole deal and has aviation as a career on his/her mind. This is quality instruction no question about it. The only people whome I have heard stating the opposite were:
a, those that have never had a single hour flying there
b, those that are having extremely hard time with their flying
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