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Comair and Written

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Well-known member
Mar 19, 2002
Hey everyone. I am curious to see if the ATP written will help in getting a possible interview for Comair. On there website www.comair.com it states that the written is required. Does that mean before the interview or by the time you go for the interview. What is the latest by the way for them. Really interested to hear. For all who read my last post on Comair I am still trying to contact the station manager I used to work for at Comair. Looking forward to the responses. CYA

I suggest getting the ATP written ASAP. In my case I had it on my resume even though I hadn't taken the actual test yet. When they called for the interview they asked if I had the written done, I told them not yet, but I was scheduled to take it within the next 2 weeks, they were ok with that. I brought along a resume to the interview NOT showing the ATP written on there, and explained that I was scheduled to take it soon.
I believe it says by the time of hire you have to have it completed.
As much as the ATP stinks, I took it and actaully it has helped. Most of the questions I see on the gouges from the airlines revolve around the ATP and the AIM. Plus you show you are one who can accomplish things no matter how senseless it seems.
Just grab the Gleim book and start studying. In two days and 8 hours I had a pretty good grasp on it.
If you get more than a 70 on it then you studied to hard.
I got an 87 whoops.

I was in the same boat as you recently. I was submitting my resume to Comair but I didn't have my ATPw completed. This is not meant to be a shameless plug, because I have absolutely nothing to gain. A friend told me about www.loneeagleseminars.com It cost some money for the online course, but it was WELL worth it. I studied hard for 1 1/2 days (about 14 hours), and took the test the next day. I got a 99% on the test. I got some problem about trip distance and times wrong, oh well. And yes, it will help. I'm now interviewing with Comair in a few weeks. PM me if you have more questions. Good luck!!
I had the same dilema when i got a call for an interview last Feb. John Smith asked if I had it done yet and I said not yet. He just said to make sure I had it done by interview time...

I recommend doing it at ALLATP's they have a bunch of locations and it takes a day and a half with no pre study time...cost is about $250...but in the end it was worth it...
I recommend ALLATPs as well, however it's now a 1 day course for $295.
Why not finish the job . . .

and take the ATP practical after you take the written? The actual certificate would help your chances at getting an interview even more.

No kidding. Twelve years ago, 1500 total, 500 multi and the ATP were virtual minimum requirements for regionals. Virtually no one I knew got on with a Commercial.

Competition is stiff out there. I know. You need to present the best credentials possible, i.e. as much multi PIC as you can, and the ATP, which you definitely can.

Good luck with your job search.
I would love to be able to take the practical after the written. The only problem being that I am not old enough to take it.

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