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Colgan Info

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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2002
ChperPlt seems like you are the one to talk to about Colgan. First off I appreciate all the info you give on the board, it helps alot. First year FO on the Beech is 20, and Saab is 23 right? Aprox. how many hours per month flying do most line holders get. I also talked to Andie today and she said that they have 4 new bases they are trying to fill. I was wondering if you have seen a bid come out for them. Norfolk, Roanoke, Allentown, Johnstown. What are the chances of a new hire getting these. Andie said you would have to wait until training to find out (Which sucks). I am trying to aviod commuting to ME. As long as I dont get based in ME I am happy. Anyway thanks for your help.
This industry is so bass-ackwards....I'd walk over hot coals only to be hired and based in Maine. Sigh. I suppose it's unlikely chperplt, but do they seem to give any preference to locals?
I suppose it's unlikely chperplt, but do they seem to give any preference to locals?

I don't think it matters to them. Last I heard, unless you have turbine experience, they are looking at people with 2000 total and at least 200 multi..

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