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Apr 4, 2002
Has anyone heard anything regarding the recall of current furloughed pilots or how those with class dates prior to 9/11 will be handled.
Recall of currently furloughed pilots is tentatively scheduled to start in the beginning of the 2nd quarter (April) of 2003. They are supposedly going to recall 32 people a month starting in April and continuing until all the furloughed pilots are recalled. It is estimated that approx. 25% of the furloughed pilots will not return. Based on this estimate, all the current furloughed pilots could be back on property by the end of 2003.

I haven't heard anything about the rights of those awaiting class dates. However, I'd guess that it could go either way. Keep in mind that we're talking about another year at the very least before a pilot in this position would have a chance at a job. If I were in this position I'd find a job with another regional and not look back. However, if for some reason COEX is your dream job, you just need to be willing to wait another year before it's an option.

Keep in mind all of this is based on rumor and speculation and is by no means definite. Thus far, every widely circulated recall rumor has proven falsely optimistic. When the furlough first happened people said "6 months and we'll be back!" now we're at 13 months and counting... More recently it was "Recalls are inevitable! They'll have to start recalling by August to have us all back in time to staff the new airplanes in '03!" Wrong again... Unfortunately, regardless of aircraft deliveries, recalls are dependent on increasing block times. CAL doesn't want to increase block times. Until that happens, and until the furloughed pilots are actually in training, I wouldn't make any plans and definitely don't hold your breath. I seriously doubt if any of the furloughed pilots anticipated a 2 year furlough, but that's what it looks like from here. Who knows? It could get better. Good luck.
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Recall of currently furloughed pilots is tentatively scheduled to start in the beginning of the 2nd quarter (April) of 2003. They are supposedly going to recall 32 people a month starting in April and continuing until all the furloughed pilots are recalled. It is estimated that approx. 25% of the furloughed pilots will not return. Based on this estimate, all the current furloughed pilots could be back on property by the end of 2003


The information above is seems Very specific. Either you have great inside information or your just making stuff up. Care to give me a clue as to which is correct?

From what I hear from XJT, it sounds like you're in the ballpark but I just wonder where you are getting it. Are you on the PWOP list? In the training dept.?
Well, I definitely didn't make it up...but I wouldn't call my inside information 'great' either. It's simply, as I stated before, a rumor. It comes second-hand from someone in recurrent groundschool at COEX. Having said that, it's a rumor. It's worth nothing unless it comes true. Just because someone high up in the flight department said it doesn't mean it will happen. A year is a long time from now. Any number of events could effect recalls. Flight operations has suggested recently that they may have a tentative recall schedule available soon. But they've said that before, and so far provided nothing concrete. There are just too many variables to make an accurate prediction.

I'd prefer not to discuss my personal situation on a public forum. If you'd like to know specifics as to my sources PM me and I'll let you know what I can.

Further, if you interviewed with COEX and were offered a position make sure to contact the furlough liason Meghan Oneill, reference her post on this subject.
Thanks Bluto for the reply!

I would second the idea to contact Meghan O'Neil at ALPA. However, I seem to remember that all those pilots who were slotted for training or an interview prior to 9/11 would be called after all the recalls were completed to see if they would still be interested. So, if you are really hot and heavy for Coex, then just sit tight and wait for your number to be called.

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