I've been working on cleaning some rust off of my skills recently. I flew this morning, winds were 15G28 (I was up with a CFI). Turb was constant light, with a taste of mod here and there
Takeoff and cruise out to the practice area... no problem. Get out there, and we deicde to do slowflight. I'm overcontrolling the plane (hamfisting the controls, etC), creating more problems for myself. I eventually relax, and things are OK. Stall time! I rush my stalls, trying dropping wings left and right, and not recovering to nose-level attitude in time. *sigh*. My CFI eventually says "I Can see you are frustrated... no need wasting your money when we need to take a different course of action". Back to the airport we go.
We are # 1 in the pattern, tower clears us to land on downwind. CFI says, abeam the numbers, "I bet we can make Golf from here...". Chop the throttle, full flaps, Vref + 5, and we land just before the 1000 foot mark. I touched down, a gust kicked up and the airplane didn't want to stop flying (the stall horn was going off as I landed). I was extremely comfortable with the landing, even given the fact that it was challenging. I was NOT comfortable with my slow flight and stalls... it's like I'm paralyzed by the turbulence.
My CFI suggested (and I think it's a good idea) that we go on a quick XC somewhere when the winds are really whipping. If I can't polish the rust off, beat it off!
So... the whole point of my ramblings is: how would any of the CFI's on the board handle a situation like this? A pilot you are working with is having problems handling turbulence... but clearly (and has demonstrated to you) has the skills to handle them.
Takeoff and cruise out to the practice area... no problem. Get out there, and we deicde to do slowflight. I'm overcontrolling the plane (hamfisting the controls, etC), creating more problems for myself. I eventually relax, and things are OK. Stall time! I rush my stalls, trying dropping wings left and right, and not recovering to nose-level attitude in time. *sigh*. My CFI eventually says "I Can see you are frustrated... no need wasting your money when we need to take a different course of action". Back to the airport we go.
We are # 1 in the pattern, tower clears us to land on downwind. CFI says, abeam the numbers, "I bet we can make Golf from here...". Chop the throttle, full flaps, Vref + 5, and we land just before the 1000 foot mark. I touched down, a gust kicked up and the airplane didn't want to stop flying (the stall horn was going off as I landed). I was extremely comfortable with the landing, even given the fact that it was challenging. I was NOT comfortable with my slow flight and stalls... it's like I'm paralyzed by the turbulence.
My CFI suggested (and I think it's a good idea) that we go on a quick XC somewhere when the winds are really whipping. If I can't polish the rust off, beat it off!
So... the whole point of my ramblings is: how would any of the CFI's on the board handle a situation like this? A pilot you are working with is having problems handling turbulence... but clearly (and has demonstrated to you) has the skills to handle them.