Order 2004-9-19
Served: September 20,2004
Issued by the Department of Transportation on the 20fh day of September, 2004
Application of CHAUTAUQUA AIRLINES, INC. for a certificate of public convenience and necessity under49 U.S.C. 41102 to engage in interstate scheduled air
transportation of persons, property, and mail
Docket OST-2004-18638 -5-
By Order 2004-9-9, issued September 8, 2004, we directed all interested persons to show cause why we should not make final our tentative findings and conclusions stated in it and award a certificate of public convenience and necessity to Chautauqua Airlines, Inc. (Chautauqua) authorizing it to engage in interstate scheduled air transportation of persons, property, and mail using large aircraft.
5. We register “America West Express,” “American Connection,” “Delta Connection,” “United Express,” and “US Airways Express” as trade names to be used by Chautauqua Airlines, Inc., in
By Order 2004-9-9, issued September 8, 2004, we directed all interested persons to show cause why we should not make final our tentative findings and conclusions stated in it and award a certificate of public convenience and necessity to Chautauqua Airlines, Inc. (Chautauqua) authorizing it to engage in interstate scheduled air transportation of persons, property, and mail using large aircraft.
Interested persons were given 7 calendar days to file objections to the order
No objections to the show-cause order were received.
Acting under authority assigned by the Department in its Regulations 14 CFR 385.12(a)(2):
1. We find that Chautauqua Airlines, Inc., is fit, willing, and able to engage in interstate scheduled air transportation of persons, property, and mail.
2. We issue a certificate of public convenience and necessity to Chautauqua Airlines, Inc. to engage in interstate air transportation in the form and subject to the Terms, Conditions, and Limitations attached.
3. Should Chautauqua Airlines, Inc., propose to conduct operations with more than 20 large aircraft, we direct it to notify the Department in writing at least
45 days prior to the proposedchange in operations and demonstrate its fitness to conduct such operations before their commencement. 1
4. We direct Chautauqua Airlines, Inc., to submit to the Air Carrier Fitness Division a first yearprogress report within
45 days following the end of its first year of certificated operations.2
5. We register “America West Express,” “American Connection,” “Delta Connection,” “United Express,” and “US Airways Express” as trade names to be used by Chautauqua Airlines, Inc., in
its certificated air carrier operations.
We will serve a copy of this order on the persons listed in Attachment A.
Persons entitled to petition the Department for review of this order, under 14 CFR 385.30 may file their petitions within 10 days of the service date of this order.
This order is effective immediately and the filing of a petition for review shall not alter itseffectiveness.
Office of Aviation Analysis
An electronic version
of this document is available on the World Wide Web at:
http://dms. dot.gov
This limitation does not in any way limit the number of small aircraft Chautauqua may utilize in performing its operations. [Section 298.2(h) defines “large aircraft” as any aircraft designed to have a maximum capacity of more than 60 seats or a maximum payload capacity of more than 18,000 pounds.]
The report shall include a description
of the carrier’s current operations (number and type of aircraft,principal markets served, total number of full-time and part-time employees), a summary of how theseoperations have changed during the year, a discussion of any changes it anticipates from its currentoperations during its second year, current financial statements, and a listing of current senior managementand key technical personnel.
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