Just wondering what's going to happen to CE now that Air Tran is buying ATA.
Air Tran chose to go without a feeder after stating it was not in their best interest and I'm thinking someone at CE must've sent a memo regarding the buyout.
I'm starting in the new hire class at CE on monday, and they called and confirmed they did have a go ahead from above to actually have the class, so I'm hoping for the best. If anyone knows more, I'd like to know too.
As far as the training dept. is concerend (this is all hearsay) all the classes that were going to happen are going to happen. I believe that the next upgrade class is for late nov. but there may be another newhire class before that? The info line for C8 seemed strangley optimistic but after the past few years we need some optimism! The underlying rumor is that we may get Rjs to supliment ATA flying but again just a rumor.
Good Luck to all the ATA guys that came from Chico and everywhere else.
Airtran is not buying ATA, they are looking to grab the 14 gates that ATA operates out of. Chicago Express may or may not feed Airtran out of MDW. We will continue to feed ATA.
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