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Chautauqua for 5 more or jump to NetJets?

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Well-known member
May 3, 2004
I would really appreciate anybodies advice on my currant situation. I will be 27 this year and I am into my second year at CHQ. I live in Columbus with my wife and the upgrade to captain should be coming early to late fall. My question is this. I have really been considering jumping over to NetJets. I have talked to a lot of their pilots and received a lot of mixed advice.

I don't mind the idea of giving up a RJ captain position to stay in the right seat of a citation for a couple of years. In the last two years I have learned that it is all about life style. Since I live here I know I would have to commute and the idea of only having to pack, drive to the airport, drive home, and unpack twice a month sounds pretty good. I also think it would be really neat to go to new and smaller airports that require you to be a pilot instead of another day of 2 BOS turns or 1 FLL turn.

It also sounds like people get treated totally different at NetJets than at CHQ. Paid from the day you walk in the door, company buys the uniforms and than give 400 annually, two weeks vaction, and much more per diem than CHQ's 1.50/hr. I also know everything is bound to get even better. Everyone I have talked to is pretty excited about the new contract when it comes out. That is one other thing I need help with.

I know money is a big consideration in every decision. I averaged what my salary will be for the next five years if I stay here at Chautauqua and came up with around 54,000+. Does anyone have any guess what average pay at NetJets is over the next 5 and 10 years with natural conservative progression and current contract?

I understand that there are cons to everything and the grass always looks greener. It all boils down to the idea of trying to raise a family and work for the regionals with the hope of the "some day interview" at the bigs that may never happen. Rather going to a stable outfit that a pilot can be happy at long-term.

I would enjoy receiving any advice especially people who work for NetJets now and people who left the regional world.

Thanks in advance
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For what it's worth:

I spent 98'-01' at the regionals (Eagle & Midway). Do I miss the regionals/airline lifestyle? Yes and No. As everyone says, there are pro's and con's to whatever decision you make. There are many things about the airline lifestyle I miss: 3-day trips, knowing I have X amount of time at the overnight, 2 flight attendants to have fun with, walking on-board turning left, shutting the door and breaking out the paper, etc. But there is stuff I don't miss as well....

What I've learned is that is comes down to lifestyle. Most importantly, where do I have to life, how little do I have to work, how much will I make? Having spent a year in San Juan, Miami and Raleigh I've come to the decision that I'm staying at NJA or will only go to SWA or Continental. I'm from Texas and after 3 years away I'm done and I'm sure as hell not commuting!

Every frog has its warts and NJA is no exception. Neither is SWA, CO or CHQ as you know. It's a matter of what you’re willing to accept.

Moral at NJA is the lowest I've ever seen it - that due to the lack of a contract. However, as much as I bitch I still can't complain too much. I've asked for six separate times off this year and gotten every one! I call in sick and the thought of getting "red-carpeted" to the CP office doesn’t even cross my mind. Even though the pay is crappy I was able to buy a very nice house here in Dallas. I wouldn't have been able to do any of that if I was still working for Eagle or Midway.

The contract is coming and things will be better; it's just a matter of when.

Something else to think about: I myself am 26 years old. As of right now I'm 1400 out of 1799 on the sen. list. While that is not very impressive, when you look at the mean age on the seniority list I will be sitting very high for a very long time if I make the decision to stay. When you factor in vacation....at year 15 (assuming in the next 2 contracts we maintain the same vacation accrual) I will be working less than 100 days a year at age 38 which allows me the time to pursue other interest and spend time with my family.

Roll the dice.....no one knows what the best decision is!!

BTY: Do you know T. Berry?
I am kind of in the same boat as you Frontier Fan. Been at Mesa for four years with upgrade just around the corner, but I will have to commute to make it happen. I feel like I have suffered enough at Mesa and am thinking of trying for the fractionals. I know for me being home for a week at a time is what made me start considering the jump. Also, I think the Fracs seem to treat their employees decent (can't say that for Mesa for sure). Finally, I really just don't see myself staying at a place like Mesa for very long.

Thanks for all of the info. I talked to my wife (who starts grad school in the fall) about everything last night and we both decided to move ahead toward NetJets and see what happens. We know the money will be tight at first but so is everything else in aviation. Honestly the idea of this being the final stop to a long term employment opportunity is a nice thought.

In the last week I made a couple of contacts at NJA and I am going to see where that goes. One works in the training dept, and the others are captains ranging from 2-11 years of service. Hopefully they will be a huge help. If I am able to get a couple of letters should I ask for them to walk in the res or just for letters to take with me into the interview?

Thanks again for all of the help

PM's welcome.
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