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Chautauqua and ASA Class acts

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Sideseal, you are a porbationary pilot, a new hire, that does not have a clue what you are even talking about. Comair pilots that have been there awhile, more than a year, do have have a clue and feel the same way. WE SUPPORT OUR MEC.
I know that not all Comair pilots support the MEC's position with reguard to hiring furloughed Delta pilots. I have spoken to several Comair pilot, some who are very senior, that do not have a problem with it at all. Unfortunatly the MEC is speaking for everyone. If you do not agree with what your elected officals are doing,let them know how you feel. Even if you are a new hire do not let other pilots make career decisions for you. I thank that is is funny that a F/O with less than 2 years under his belt has the nerve to tell anyone that they are new and naive.
I'll back up Sidseal on this one. I think our MEC should have supported hiring of DAL pilots at CMR without resigning their #'s. I support my MEC on many issues, but not this one. BTW, I've been off probation for a while now.

JMorgan, good luck with your new job! I wish we could have helped you.

Well, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one on this board that feels the same way. For ACE: Yes, I'm new at CMR, yes, I wasn't around during the strike so I don't know what happened between us and Delta, but, I do have a clue at what I'm talking about. I may be new to CMR, but not to the airline business. In my humble opinion, I think we should bring on Delta guys. That doesn't mean I don't support my MEC. Like any good democracy, I'm still entitled to voice my opinion. This is my last response to this thread. I'm not going to argue back and forth about this. Unfortunately, it is the way it is. If I could change it, I would.
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It is good to see that some pilots don't approve in their MEC's opinion that Delta furloughs should give up their senority numbers. Sidseal and C425Driver are correct ----what would it hurt them if Delta furloughs would be hired below them and fly the crappier trips? It really is just a slap in the face---expecially since ASA allows it and they are identical to Comair---right?


I guess Sidseal cannot have an opinion because he is on probation? He has only been at Comair for so long, so he has no idea what he is talking about? All probation pilots cannot think for themselves? You need to take it down a couple levels man! If you ate a piece of coal you would $hit a diamond. Your MEC chair is ruining it for everyone---especially those who might want to someday fly for Delta.


Nobody ever said that Comair guys were not good enough to fly at Delta---there are plenty of them at Delta, and a lot that are now furloughed unfortunately. But, the ones who chose to come over in good times are not good enough to go back to Comair when times are bad? ASA has accepted some ex-ASA pilots. They already have their old training records and know first hand that they are good pilots. They don't go back to their old postions---which is fine. They go to the BOTTOM. They enjoy flying the RJ again etc. What is so wrong with that? Eventually ASA will benefit with preferential hiring, and is there anything wrong with that? Sure, it might take awhile, but it will happen.

Bye Bye--General Lee:cool: :rolleyes: ;)
Gen Lee,

I understand that Jmorgan might have been bitter that going back to Comair wasn't an option...regardless, I have a problem with anyone lashing out at our pilot group for an issue that was never in (or close to) the hands of the line pilots.

Understandably some negativity gets displaced onto our pilot group, but the consistency of it begs the question...do we want pilots here that 1) don't really want to be here and 2) don't much care for Comair? Don't discount this as a possible reason why there hasn't been a call to arms to help out the delta guys.

Even with all the animosity on these boards (never actually experienced it in person), I still think we should have said yes to bringing on furloughees, no strings attached...I've been furloughed and I know how much it suck$. We're all part of the Delta family whether we like it or not and should help out our own. I've said my peace. I'll be exiting this thread as well.

It is good to see that some pilots don't approve in their MEC's opinion that Delta furloughs should give up their senority numbers. Sidseal and C425Driver are correct ----what would it hurt them if Delta furloughs would be hired below them and fly the crappier trips? It really is just a slap in the face---expecially since ASA allows it and they are identical to Comair---right?

1) $10,000 training cost for a non- loyal employee

We are pinching pennies evey day at Comair to save your airline. Why would we double our training costs for an employee that is going to leave over the next 5 years. Cost Cost Cost plain and simple.

good luck

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